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ITmatch - virtual IT and ICT cooperation day 2021


Invitation to the virtual online b2b matchmaking event ITmatch - virtual IT/ICT cooperation day on 25 May 2021. ITmatch brings together companies, R&D institutions, investors and other stakeholders from all over the world.


This is a unique opportunity, organised in the framework of the Polish IT/ICT Promotion Program and Enterprise Europe Network, to establish new business contacts, find contractors, exchange information and gather experience regarding the latest market trends in IT sector. The model is time- and cost-efficient and results in business!

Key topics

  • ICT Future (AI, Blockchain, Drones, IoT, Cyber Security, AR&VR)
  • Software (Big Data, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Mobile Apps)
  • Hardware (Embedded Systems, Human Interfaces, Sensors, 3D Printing)
  • Value Chain (Business Development, R&D, Testing&Analysis)
  • IT/ICT Services (Fintech, E-Health, E-Commerce, Outsourcing)

Why participate?

  • As purchaser/buyer - find qualified suppliers,
  • As solution provider - find new international customers,
  • As product developer - find partners to discuss new technology and innovative solutions.

Important dates

  • 29.03-16.05.2021 - registration to the event,
  • 30.04-23.05.2021 - meeting selection,
  • 25.05.2021 - ITmatch matchmaking event

Register until 16th May at:
