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Poland and Denmark lift some of the coronavirus restrictions


Starting Monday, April 20th both Poland and Denmark decided to lift some of the restrictions introduced in March to limit the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. Both countries decided on a strategy of a gradual reopening, depending on the number of new confirmed Covid 19 cases, the public following the sanitary recommendations and the healthcare system capacity.

grafika koronawirus


Already on 14 April 2020 employees in many business sectors, where the strict following of highest sanitary standards was possible, returned to work, followed by crèches, kindergartens and primary schools for classes 0 -5 on 15 April 2020.

On Monday, 20 April 2020 some freelance professions will be allowed to open again, including hairdressers, beauty salons and driving schools. Moreover, Danish courts will resume work and high schools will reopen only for graduate pupils.

Restaurants, cultural institutions, churches, high schools (with the exemption of graduating classes) and primary schools for classes 6 and above remain closed. Public administrations continues working from home. The ban on mass events (for more than 500 participants) is in force until 31st of August.

Border control remain valid along with the recommendations for quarantine.


On 16 April 2020 the government of Poland announced a plan of gradual lifting of the restrictions, divided into 4 stages. As of 16 April 2020 an obligation to cover one’s mouth and nose with a mask when outdoor entered into force in Poland.

In the first stage, starting on Monday, 20 April, parks and forests as well as places of religious worship will reopen. It will also be possible to leave house for leisure provided the recomendable distance of 2 meters between persons is kept. The restrictions on number of people in stores will be relaxed.

The next stages include i.a. reopening of hotels, accommodation facilities and cultural institutions (2 stage), restaurants, hairdressers, crèches, kindergartens and schools for the youngest pupils (3 stage) and finally cinemas, theaters, fitness clubs, massage salons (4 stage). Detailed information on the dates of introduction of stages from 2 to 4 will be announced based on the development of epidemic situation.

Border control and quarantine obligation remain unchanged.
