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Poles and Danes serve shoulder to shoulder


The head of the Ministry of National Defence participated on November 25, 2019 in a meeting of the successor to the throne of the Kingdom of Denmark Prince Frederick and Princess Maria Elizabeth and the Polish presidential couple Andrzej Duda and Agata Kornhauser-Duda with soldiers - veterans from Poland and Denmark.

The head of the Ministry of National Defence participated on November 25, 2019 in a meeting of the successor to the throne of the Kingdom of Denmark Prince Frederick and Princess Maria Elizabeth and the Polish presidential couple Andrzej Duda and Agata Kornhauser - Duda with soldiers - veterans from Poland and Denmark.

The visit of the Danish princely couple to Poland is linked with the celebration of the centenary of diplomatic relations between Poland and Denmark in 2019. On this occasion and as part of joint Polish-Danish activities aimed at supporting and appreciating the commitment of soldiers during their service outside their own countries, the first Polish - Danish football tournament was played on October 19 in Leszno. The winning team turned out to be the one formed by Poles:

- I would like to thank you for the initiative, thank you first of all to the Danish Defence Attaché Colonel Petersen for the initiative to organize and conduct a veteran football match. The match result is not important, it is important that the meeting took place. The rematch, I hope, will take place next year, in Denmark. This initiative proves that we are strengthening the relationship and integrating the military environments of Poland and Denmark, this is a recipe serving to ensure the security of both our countries - emphasized Minister Mariusz Błaszczak.

The minister also thanked Danish soldiers for cooperation in the Multinational Corps North-East in Szczecin: - It's been 20 years, when together with the Danish and German partners we have been forming the corps in the command chain of the North Atlantic Alliance - the minister said.

President Andrzej Duda drew attention to the important role played by the Center for Veterans and on friendship established during service by Polish and Danish soldiers:

- Any country that respects its soldiers, especially those who are ready to serve him whenever he needs it, whether in the country or to represent and bring peace and security on its behalf abroad. Each state respects its soldiers through places like this (...) Today's presence of Your Royal Highnesses and Danish veterans is an eloquent testimony of this friendship - said President Duda.

The cup was handed to the captain of the team of Polish veterans by Princess Mary, and Prince Frederick in his speech emphasized the importance of a joint fight of Polish and Danish soldiers:

- Danish and Polish soldiers have been serving together for decades in various parts of the world: in the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan; I would like to pay tribute to them today. Very often they were deployed on the front lines in very difficult combat conditions - said the Danish heir to the throne.

He also noted that both countries fought and are fighting for common values:

- Poland and Denmark jointly stand for such values as freedom, independence, civil liberties and fundamental human rights. And finally, I direct my warm thoughts and feelings to the families of soldiers located in various places around the world who are anxious about their loved ones. It is for them that the flags of the Republic of Poland and the Kingdom of Denmark are waving today - Prince Frederick said in a speech.

Source: Ministry of National Defence
