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Polish-Danish webinar on investments and economic development during a pandemic


Poland and Denmark are important partners, especially when it comes to cooperation in the energy, IT, construction and food sectors. The interest in the webinar on Polish-Danish cooperation during the pandemic exceeded our expectations and presented the great potential for strengthening bilateral relations in the coming years.


On 3 December 2020 the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Copenhagen in cooperation with the Polish Trade and Investment Agency and the Danish Embassy in Warsaw organized a webinar “Polish-Danish cooperation amidst the COVID-19 pandemic”. The event was launched by Paweł Jabłoński, Undersecretary of State for Economic Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He stressed the importance of Polish-Danish cooperation in energy security and energy transformation, where Poland is willing to transfer the Danish experience and know-how and is ready to strengthen cooperation in the coming years.


According to Ole Toft, the Danish Ambassador in Poland, the Polish-Danish partnership will be an important instrument in stimulating the economies after the COVID-19 crisis, and Poland will be one of Denmark's most important partners in the EU in the coming years. As Adam Jędrzejczak, the Head of the Polish branch of Danfoss, pointed out, the pandemic revealed the scale of connections within international supply chains and the need to change the thinking about managing the production process. Currently, the trend is to bring the production processes closer, which makes Poland a very attractive partner for Denmark.


The webinar was attended by around 50 guests from public administration, regional authorities and private companies.

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