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Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology claims that the merger of the Ministries of Labour and Economy is the right response to the COVID-19 challenge


Combining responsibility for the labour market and the economy in a single ministry is the right response to the challenge posed by COVID-19, which is supposed to solve the issue of siloisation, as well as ensure greater flexibility and efficiency in the face of the crisis – said Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology Jarosław Gowin during his first meeting with the Labour Market Council. The meeting was also attended by Deputy Minister Iwona Michałek.

Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Gowin wearing a mask

The meeting was devoted to changes in the labour market, challenges related to the protection of jobs in the face of the pandemic's impact on the economy and the new approach of the government, which combines labour market management with responsibility for economic affairs.

Due to the exceptional situation – the epidemic crisis and the resulting economic downturn – the government made the decision to carry out a deep reconstruction, which resulted in combining responsibility for the labour market and the economy, to be taken over by one ministry. This is supposed to solve the issue of siloisation, as well as ensure greater flexibility and efficiency in the face of the crisis I believe that the success of both individual companies and the economy as a whole depends on the extent to which the welfare and security of employees is taken into account. Therefore, with your help, I will look for this synergy and solutions that combine and balance the sometimes-disparate interests of employees and employers – said Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin in his opening speech at the meeting with the Labour Market Council. 

In this new formula of the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology we want to have multi-faceted discussions about the most important issues concerning the labour market. We need your support and advice. I hope that together we will be able to work out proposals that will improve the institutions responsible for the labour market and positively influence the market itself. We remain at your disposal and we are counting on constructive debates, which will lead us to working out optimal solutions to the most difficult issues raised during meetings of the Labour Market Council – added Iwona Michałek, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology.

Labour Market Council

The Labour Market Council is one of the advisory and opinion-forming bodies for the minister in charge of labour, involving labour market partners in the management, programming and monitoring of labour market policies at central, regional and local level respectively.

The Labour Market Council is made up of representatives of trade unions and representative employer organisations

within the meaning of the Act of 24 July 2015 on the Social Dialogue Council and other social dialogue institutions (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] of 2015, item 1240) and a representative of the Joint Commission of Government and Local Government.
