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A record year in the Polish Investment Zone


Polish Investment Zone - top view of the industrial center

Throughout 2021, the PIZ issued as many as 713 decisions to support investments with a total value of PLN 37.1 billion with a simultaneous declaration to create 16,831 new jobs.

The latest data on the functioning of the Polish Investment Zone shows that despite the pandemic, we still remain one of the most attractive places to invest. I am glad that this concerns both foreign and Polish entrepreneurs, including increasingly those from the SME sector. Only in 2021 - compared to the previous year - in terms of the number of projects we recorded an increase of 92% y/y. In the case of the value of investments we have an increase of 145% , while in the number of new jobs - an increase of 186%

- said the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Technology Grzegorz Piechowiak.

Compared to the same period before the pandemic, that is, to 2019, in the number of projects there was an increase of 102%, in terms of the value of investments an increase of 143%, while in the number of new jobs an increase of as much as 159%.

PIZ's best year in terms of investor inflows

From the beginning of January until the end of December 2021, within the framework of the Polish Investment Zone, as many as 713 decisions to support investments with a total value of 37.1 billion PLN were issued, with a simultaneous declaration of the creation of 16,831 new workplaces. The largest investments concern such industries as high-quality food production and automotive.

In comparison to 2020, Polish SME companies have increased their share by 77% in the number of investments, by 100% in terms of their value and by 46% in terms of the number of jobs.

At the end of 2021, Polish micro, small and medium-sized enterprises:

  • had received 427 decisions on support. In the whole of 2020 there were 241 such decisions;
  • declared PLN 5.3 billion for investments. In 2020 it was PLN 2.6 billion;
  • declared 2,329 new jobs. In the whole of 2020 there were 1,591 jobs.

Projects with Polish capital now account for 72% of all investments made on the basis of decisions on support, and their total value represents 37% of the value of all investments, which also translates into a 35% share in the creation of new jobs. Foreign investments are 28% of all, but their total value represents as much as 63% of all money invested under the PIZ, which also translates into 65% of all declared new jobs. Foreign entrepreneurs are more likely to undertake large investments that generate many jobs - this best demonstrates their important role in the Polish economic system.

To sum up: since September 2018, i.e. since the beginning of the PIZ, until the end of December 2021, a total of 1521 investment decisions with a total value of PLN 73.4 billion have been issued. During this time, Polish and foreign investors have declared the creation of 31,569 new jobs.

At the same time, the value of investments located outside the former Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is gradually decreasing. Throughout 2019, it amounted to 55% of all PIZ investments, in 2020. - 59%, and in 2021 it was 58%. In terms of the number of investments, on the other hand, 67% of investments (251 investments) were outside the zones in 2020 and in 2021. - 64% of investments (453 investments).

PIZ's genesis

The Polish Investment Zone was established under the Act of 10 May 2018 on supporting new investments, thus becoming a single investment area. The Act came into force on 30 June 2018. As a result, tax exemptions have been available throughout the country since 5 September 2018. And not only - as before - on the territory of special economic zones. From 1 January 2019, new investments can already be located only in PIZ. However, SEZs play a key role in the PIZ system - they manage its individual parts.
