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Deputy Minister Golecki: Poland in the global lead in achieving the goals of Agenda 2030


"Agenda 2030 - on the road to ambitious goals - Let's get the job done” - was the title under which a conference was held, organised by the Ministry of Transport and Tourism, devoted to building effective partnerships for Agenda 2030. The event was opened by Mariusz Jerzy Golecki, Deputy Minister for Economic Development and Technology. The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology's initiative is implemented as part of the 17 Goals Campaign, which aims to encourage representatives of Polish business to take action to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and take advantage of business opportunities arising from the Agenda 2030.

Minister Golecki during Agenda 2030 conference. Polish flague in the background.

Agenda 2030 is an action programme adopted by the United Nations (UN) of unprecedented scope and importance, defining a model for sustainable development at the global level. It includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated targets that reflect the three dimensions of sustainable development - economic, social and environmental.

Poland is counted among the world's leading countries recording progress in achieving the goals of Agenda 2030. According to the "Sustainable Development Report 2021" we are ranked high, 15th among 165 countries, with the result of achieving the SDGs at the level of 80.2%. According to the authors of this report, Poland has already achieved two goals of the 2030 Agenda: SDG 1 - end poverty, SDG 15 - life on land. We are also on track to achieve others, i.e. SDG 4 - good quality education, SDG 6 - clean water and sanitation and SDG 9 - innovation, industry and infrastructure. We are not regressing with regard to any of the goals,

- notes Deputy Minister Mariusz Jerzy Golecki.

The main theme of the conference was an effective measure of progress in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. It requires aggregation of data at every level: international, governmental, regional and effective cooperation with companies to use private sector data for scanning the current state, searching for appropriate solutions and making strategic decisions at the governmental and international level in order to achieve the best result.

Deputy Minister Golecki also pointed to the broader context of a sustainable approach to business.

We must also be aware of the dynamic development of EU legislation. Legislative work on a draft directive on reporting sustainable development issues (ESG factors) is currently underway in the European Union. Under the draft directive, from 2023 ESG reporting will be mandatory for both public and private companies with more than 250 employees,

- pointed out the deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology.

The conference participants were familiarised with the issue of measuring the progress of Agenda 2030 from the perspective of the Central Statistical Office and with the experiences of business practitioners of partnerships for Agenda 2030, i.e. how to create an effective evaluation process, challenges, solutions and experiences from the market.

In 2022, Campaign 17 is run under the banner of Partnerships of the Future. Throughout the year we will be talking about and demonstrating how effective partnerships for Agenda 2030 work. The first feature of a well-functioning partnership is good target setting and indicators aligned to them. We dedicated the conference "Agenda 2030 - Let's get the job done!" to this topic.
