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Deputy Minister Grzegorz Piechowiak on the future of Polish and EU trade policy at the EU Foreign Affairs Council


A review of EU trade policy, reform of the WTO and the trade relations between the European Union, including Poland and the United States were the key issues discussed at today's meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) in Brussels. The Polish government was represented by the Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology, Grzegorz Piechowiak.

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We need a new transatlantic partnership and cooperation agenda based on shared values and interests to mutually tackle global challenges, such as the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, green transformation or the crisis of multilateralism. Close cooperation between the European Union and the United States is also essential in order to reach an agreement on issues such as the border adjustment carbon tax mechanism (the so-called Border Carbon Tax), modernisation of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), facilitation of the free flow of data or fair taxation in the digital economy, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology Grzegorz Piechowiak said.

He also pointed out the importance of relations with the United States, which would enable a coherent and competitive policy to be developed within the EU with respect to China and other major economies.

Poland has always advocated establishing relations with the US on the basis of seeking compromise. We look forward to continuing this form of cooperation in the future – emphasized the Deputy Head of the MEDLT.

The discussion on the future of the EU's bilateral and multilateral trade policy will continue at future Council meetings.

Ministers responsible for foreign trade of EU countries also held conversations with Ngozi Okonjo-Iwela, Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, on the reform of the world trade system, and Katherine Tai – US Trade Representative (USTR), on establishing mutual relations and extinguishing trade conflicts.
