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Deputy Minister Marek Niedużak at the Competitiveness Council on the EU’s digital and industrial policy


The regulation of digital services and markets, and the update of the new industrial strategy for the European Union, including in particular the measures to diversify the supply of raw materials, were the main themes of the meetings of the EU COMPET Competitiveness Council in Brussels held on Thursday. “The diversification of raw materials supplies is crucial for the success of the European Green Deal and the digital transformation” – Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology Marek Niedużak, the representative of the Polish government at the meeting said.

Deputy Minister Marek Niedużak behind a computer screen

The Competitiveness Council was held on Thursday in Brussels and was the first direct meeting of the Ministers of the European Union responsible for the internal market and industry since the pandemic was announced in March 2021. For over a year, the Council meetings were held as an on-line discussion.

Digital platform market regulation

For several months, the Union has been working on a package of digital services designed to ensure effective regulation in creating a safe, level playing field and benefiting all digital platform market players.

The user and his or her rights are the most important on the internet. We are therefore trying to strengthen its position against large online platforms in respecting its right to freedom of expression and access to information.

– said Deputy Minister Niedużak during the meeting.

The Deputy Head of the MEDLT also called for the national authorities to be more competent to enforce the rules on the digital platform market, as well as for strengthening the role of the European Digital Services Council and the Digital Markets Advisory Committee.

Amendment to the new EU Industrial strategy

On 5 May this year, the European Commission has published an amendment of the EU industrial strategy in order to adapt it to the new circumstances arising from the COVID-19 crisis.

Deputy Minister Niedużak emphasized three priorities of the updated strategy:

  • strengthening the resilience of the single market from an SME perspective, in terms of stability, predictability and openness of the service sector for operators from other Member States,
  • identification of dependencies in strategic areas, such as health or raw materials, along with a set of specific and responsible measures,
  • a financial agenda to increase investment in research and development, especially in sectors supporting green and digital transformation.

During the Thursday Competitiveness Council, the Ministers of the Member States focused on an exchange of views on ensuring the Member States with access to critical raw material.

Poland believes view that achieving the security of resources primarily requires measures to diversify the supply of raw materials. Insufficient diversification of the EU’s dependence on external suppliers threatens the investments needed to successfully start the ecological and digital transformation

– said Deputy Minister Niedużak.

By the end of the meeting, the European Commission informed the Ministers of the Member States of the main objectives of the draft regulation on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market published on May 5th. The discussion has also covered the recent EC proposal for a regulation laying down harmonized rules on artificial intelligence and the communication on the review of trade policy.

The COMPET Competitiveness Council

The Competitiveness Council is responsible for increasing the competitiveness and growth of the European Union's economy in the areas of:

  • internal market,
  • industry,
  • research and innovation,
  • space.

Depending on the subject of the discussion, Ministers from all Member States responsible for the economy, industry, trade, research and innovation and space meet in the Council. The relevant European Commissioners also participate in the meetings. The meetings of the Council are held several times a year.
