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Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin hosts a meeting of the ministers of economic affairs ministers of the V4 Group and France


A common industrial policy to strengthen the resilience of EU economies to crisis shocks, and to secure their competitiveness was the main topic of discussions held between the economic ministers of the Visegrad V4 Group and France, held today in Krakow. The meeting providing an economic summary of the Polish Presidency of the V4 Group, was attended, alongside Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin, by Visegrad partners: – Czech Deputy Prime Minister Karel Havliček, Slovak Deputy Prime Minister Richard Sulik, László Palkovics – Hungarian Minister of Innovation and Technology and – Bruno Le Maire – French Minister of Economy, Finance and Reconstruction as a special guest. The meeting concluded with the signing of a declaration on mutual cooperation for the development of the pharmaceutical industry.

Ministers for economic affairs of the V4 Group and France, holding in their hands the signed Joint Declaration of the Visegrad Group and France on mutual cooperation in the development of the pharmaceutical industry, from the left Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Slovakia Richard Sulík, Minister of Economy and Finance of France Bruno Le Maire, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Development, Labor and Technology Jarosław Gowin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Karel Havlíček and Minister of Innovation and Technology of Hungary László Palkovics

The participants discussed the most important instruments indicated in the updated industrial strategy of the European Union and discussed the current economic situation of their countries. They also presented the main principles of the National Reconstruction Plans. 

The meeting started with a plenary session which addressed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on national economies, as well as the EU's preparedness to face similar crises in the future. Deputy Prime Minister Gowin also spoke with French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Mair about the issues faced by Polish entrepreneurs on the French market. He also handed his French counterpart the second edition of the Black Book containing an identification and names of these barriers, published by the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology last week.

Ministers agreed on the need to collectively increase the production capacity of Europe's strategic industries and build capacities for green and digital transformation, with resilient and stable supply chains based on national and European technologies.

They also agreed on the need to strengthen Europe's independence in priority sectors, to close the high-tech investment and innovation gap and to maintain the competitiveness of the EU economy towards external partners. It is also necessary to create instruments and solutions within the framework of industrial policy that will provide security for our economies in the event of possible future crises.

Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin presented his guests with the assumptions of Poland's National Recovery Plan and discussed the solutions contained in Poland's recently presented Industrial Policy, designed to ensure resilience to economic shocks and support the building of businesses' competitive position.

Poland faces long-term social, environmental and economic challenges. It will not be possible to meet them without a properly designed ambitious, strategically oriented, flexible and tailor-made Industrial Policy

– said the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology Jarosław Gowin.

Ministers also participated in a panel discussion on challenges for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. One of the topics of discussion included last year’s experiences, which highlighted the over-dependence of European countries on the supply of key goods necessary for the production of medicines (such as active pharmaceutical ingredients) from third countries. Consequently, this could lead to shortages of medicines in our region. The reason for this situation is that the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) takes place outside of Europe.

Covid-19 pandemic has made clear the need to reduce dependence on third countries in sectors of strategic importance to the European Union. We need to strengthen resilience to crisis shocks and develop industrial capacity, particularly the production of medicines and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Industrial capacity building as well as green and digital transformation based on national production and technology should become a priority for the Union. A well-functioning single market based on the four freedoms and on the principle of non-discrimination constitutes Europe's strategic autonomy. I look forward to close cooperation with other Visegrad countries and France in this regard

– Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin explained.

In order to highlight the role of the pharmaceutical sector in establishing an innovative and resilient economy and improving access to safe and effective medicines, the ministers signed a declaration on mutual cooperation in developing the pharmaceutical industry. It also aims to coordinate activities to improve competitiveness and develop the pharmaceutical potential of the V4 countries and France within the framework of the implementation of the priorities of the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy, in particular in the development of manufacturing infrastructure, new active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), medicines and cross-border pharmaceutical projects. The joint declaration of the V4 Group and France will be forwarded to the European Commission.
