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Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin met with the ambassadors of Benelux countries


The meeting was attended by the Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Belgium – Luc Jacobson, the Kingdom of the Netherlands – Daphne Bergsma and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg – Paul Smith.

The government programme “New Polish Deal,” the Polish vision with respect to the EU industrial strategy and the investment climate were the main topics of the meeting held between Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin and the ambassadors of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

In terms of the value of Polish exports, the Benelux countries are second of all our trading partners.  From the Ministry's point of view, it is crucial for foreign companies to learn the investment climate in Poland. We see Benelux companies as a vital link in supply chains for global leaders. The pandemic has shown that we need to think in terms of European economic patriotism

– said Jarosław Gowin, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Development, Labour and Technology.

The meeting was attended by the Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Belgium – Luc Jacobson, the Kingdom of the Netherlands – Daphne Bergsma and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg – Paul Smith.

They discussed the need for a new industrial policy in Europe that aims, among others, to align trade rules with regulatory requirements, to deploy new digital, telecommunications and energy technologies on the basis of competition rules, and to protect European value chains in line with the European Union doctrine of strategic autonomy. The doctrine aims to relocate particular industries to Europe, and consequently to ensure security of supply. A significant part of the meeting also dealt with the Polish New Deal, which is the government's next step in the process of comprehensively modernising our economy.

The New Polish Deal is a major programme for Poland, which will include investment plans, infrastructure and innovation projects, as well as proposals for various areas of social and economic life in the post-pandemic period.

- explained Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin. He also discussed the assumptions of the National Recovery Plan, which aims to strengthen innovation in the Polish economy, as well as to accelerate the “Green Transformation.”

Poland's trade and investment cooperation with the Benelux countries is successfully developing despite the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic

– Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin emphasized.

The Netherlands are Poland's largest trading partner in this group of markets. Combined, the Benelux countries are the second largest economic partner in terms of value of Polish exports (EUR 16 billion in total) – after Germany (EUR 68.605 billion) and ahead of the Czech Republic (EUR 13.847 billion).

The meeting was held at the initiative of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium, which currently holds the one-year Presidency of the Benelux Union. The priorities of the Belgian Presidency include strengthening the internal market, sustainable development (economy, energy and mobility) and security (fight against cross-border crime and radicalism).

The meeting with the Ambassadors of the Benelux countries was preceded (24 March 2021) by a meeting of Mr. Grzegorz Piechowiak with representatives of the International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC), which was organised at the initiative of the Belgian Chamber of Commerce, which holds the six-monthly presidency of the IGCC. The event was devoted to the plans and vision of the development of foreign investments in Poland.
