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Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin participated in Allegro's stock exchange debut


Allegro's entry into the stock exchange brings optimism and hope which we all require in the current difficult circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic - said Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology Jarosław Gowin during a ceremony on the Warsaw Stock Exchange on Monday.

Allegro's stock exchange debut

The service which employs about 2000 employees and supports over 4 million sellers enters the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In addition, in recent months, the growing role of the e-commerce industry has been beneficial for Allegro, due to the fact that internet shopping is a primarily a safe alternative during the pandemic 

- stressed the deputy prime minister Jarosław Gowin stressed during his speech on the WSE.

The development of Internet trade has a positive impact on many other industries, including courier and electronic payments 

- he noticed.

The head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology has also indicated:

I also have one expectation - I hope that in the future, Allegro will be an even more open virtual window on the world and Polish sellers will enable the development of their business abroad. I wish for it to become an important export channel.

He also thanked Allegro for being a partner of the government project “Take Your Company ONLINE” - targeted at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with stationary shops.

As he added, the Polish government is working on various initiatives to ensure a digital single market - fair and accessible also to small and medium-sized enterprises that want to use platforms such as Allegro. It is about ensuring that entrepreneurs can effectively assert their rights.

I invite representatives of the e-commerce industry to participate in consultations. I guarantee an honest and fruitful dialogue. I believe that together we will work out optimal solutions - so that the rights and interests of all parties are considered according to the WIN-WIN principle 

- he declared.

During his speech, Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin also referred to the good condition of the WSE in recent months:

In the first half of 2020 The Warsaw Stock Exchange recorded record turnover on the stock market. On the main floor it was PLN 131 billion while on NewConnect - PLN 4 billion. Of course, the situation varies between one sector and another. During the pandemic, the technological and innovative industries have gained. The banks, chemicals and fuels, real estate have suffered.

At the end of his speech, he assured:

We will not leave anyone without assistance. Those who are going through a worse time - we will help them to rebound quickly. We will support those who develop so that they develop even faster.

E-commerce market in Poland

The pandemic and the adopted restrictions have influenced consumer behaviour and changed their shopping habits. One of the manifestations of this is the rapidly growing popularity of e-shopping. While at the beginning of the year the share of Internet sales in retail sales (according to the Central Statistical Office) was 5.6%, in the lockdown period it increased to 11.9% in April. In March and April, retail sales dynamics were unprecedentedly high - 40.7% and 27.7% (m/m, current prices) respectively.

Although the share of e-commerce in retail sales has declined in recent months as a natural consequence of the return to traditional shopping, it can be expected that interest in this shopping channel will continue to grow as there is still a large niche to develop in the Polish e-commerce market.

According to the latest Bisnode data, 5.5 thousand new online shops were opened in the first half of this year. As a result, it is estimated that there are currently approx. 40 thousand online shops. Analysts point out that all types of shopping platforms where both sellers and buyers are dynamically increasing in popularity, are very popular.

This has been confirmed by the record-breaking values of Polish e-commerce. According to the report of eCommerce Europe and RetailX, the Polish e-commerce market will grow by nearly 1/3 this year, reaching a record value of EUR 15 billion, or over PLN 60 billion. The dynamic growth of this market, as well as the current favourable conditions in the context of epidemic safety, allow experts to estimate that in the coming years the value of Internet trade in Poland will reach PLN 80 billion.

