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Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin participated in the meeting of the European Battery Alliance


'If we want to switch to clean energy in Europe, the development and production of batteries should be our strategic goals. I am happy that Poland plays an important role in this process,’ said Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin during the 5th high level meeting of the European Battery Alliance attended by European commissioners, ministers of economy of EU Member States and representatives of the European Investment Bank.

Mobile phone charging

The development and production of batteries are Europe’s strategic goals regarding transition to clean energy. They are also a core element of the development of the European automotive sector

- said Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Development, Labour and Technology Jarosław Gowin

Today Poland has a resource base necessary for the production of lead–acid batteries, and Polish entrepreneurs have the potential to engage in the development of this sector. We have companies that manufacture batteries as the end product. Not only local producers, but also foreign brands have used these solutions successfully for many years,

- stressed Jarosław Gowin.

Other participants in the 5th high-level meeting of the European Battery Alliance, which was held online this time, included the Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič, the European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit and the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira, Vice-Presidents of the European Investment Bank Ambroise Fayolle and Thomas Östros, as well as ministers of economy from EU Member States.

On the fifth successive high-level session of the European Battery Alliance (EBA), two working documents drafted by the European Commission were discussed. The first document focuses on the progress achieved so far and future challenges in the creation of the European ecosystem of batteries. The second one deals with training courses and the acquisition of skills necessary for the creation of “clean” jobs on the battery market.

Batteries from the Polish perspective

The EU’s ambitious goal consisting in gradual transition towards climate-neutral economy is not feasible without the development of the battery market and closed-circuit economy. Today Poland ranks 9th in the global export of galvanic cells and batteries and 7th in the export of batteries. As far as the number of the companies in this industry is concerned, we hold the high 3rd position in the EU (“Electromobility Compendium” PFR Report, December 2020). In Poland, there are 61 manufacturers of batteries and accumulators.
According to various estimations, sales of fully electric cars in Poland may range from 55,000 to 120,000 vehicles in 2025. Poland is the third biggest exporter of galvanic cells and batteries in the European Union.

What is the European Battery Alliance (EBA)?

The aim of the EBA is to combine the efforts of European states and companies in order to build strong European industry in all areas of the supply chain related to the production of batteries (raw products, materials, cells, batteries, recycling) It is estimated that the value of this market in Europe will reach minimum 250 bn EUR in 2025.
