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Easier purchase of protective equipment in Poland, as well as its export and transit to Ukraine


The President signed an act amending the Act of 29 November 2000 on foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance to the security of the State and to maintaining international peace and security.


Until 31st December, new regulations apply on the territory of Poland with regard to:

  1. aquisition of protective equipment;
  2. export of protective equipment from Poland to Ukraine;
  3. transit of protective equipment through the territory of Poland to Ukraine.

I. Which protective equipment is covered by new regulations?

New regulations apply to all military and police protective equipment. Specifically, it applies to armoured or protective equipment and constructions and components, which includes armoured plate as follows:

  1. Manufactured to comply with a military standard or specification; or suitable for military use;
  2. Constructions of metallic or non-metallic materials or combinations thereof specially designed to provide ballistic protection for military systems, and specially designed components therefor;
  3. Military helmets;
  4. Body armour and protective garments manufactured according to military standards or specifications, or equivalent, and specially designed components therefor.

II. Do you want to acquire protective equipment in Poland in order to help Ukraine?

Until 31st December, you do not need concession, nor any other authorization, to be able to acquire protective equipment for the purpose of helping Ukraine. Everyone is eligible to buy protective equipment (i.e. helmets, vests, etc.). Purchase of protective equipment is, however, conditional upon acquiring a confirmation of an end-user certificate in the Embassy of Ukraine in Warsaw.

How to do it?

STEP 1: Acquire a confirmation of an end-user certificate in the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland. Your end-user certificate should contain:

  1. name and address of buyer (who are you?)
  2. name and address of exporter (who exports equipment from Poland to Ukraine? – if different from buyer)
  3. name and address of end user of equipment (who will use the equipment in Ukraine?)
  4. name and address of importer (who imports the equipment? – if different from the end user)
  5. name of country where the equipment will be used - Ukraine
  6. name, type and quantity of equipment (what do you want to export to Ukraine?)

Prepare a document which contains all the above-mentioned data.

ATTENTION: before you buy your equipment, you do have to know your consignee. You have to know to whom you send it in Ukraine.

Then, approach the Embassy of Ukraine in Warsaw and ask for your end-user certificate to be confirmed/signed. The Embassy will verify the data that you included in your certificate.

STEP 2: Show your end-user certificate to vendor and purchase the equipment.

III. Do you want to export protective equipment to Ukraine?

Until 31st December, you do not need an export license to export protective equipment from Poland to Ukraine, nor a transit license to send protective equipment in transit through Poland to Ukraine. You do not need any other permanent authorization (concession).

The export and transit of protective equipment is, however, conditional upon:

  1. acquiring a confirmation of an end-user certificate in a diplomatic mission of Ukraine in Poland (the Embassy of Ukraine in Warsaw)

ATTENTION: if you already have an end-user certificate confirmed by the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland, acquired before the purchase of equipment, you shall use the same one!

  1. declaring your intention to export protective equipment to the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in Warsaw.

How to do it?

STEP 1: Buy your equipment, or if you have one, acquire a confirmation of an end-user certificate from the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland.

STEP 2: Declare your intention to export/send in transit the protective equipment to the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, either:

  1. by mail: Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii, Departament Obrotu Towarami Wrażliwymi i Bezpieczeństwa Technicznego, plac Trzech Krzyży 3/5, 00-507 Warszawa, or
  2. by e-mail:

ATTENTION: e-mail with attached declaration file is strongly recommended.

Download declaration file

The declaration should contain:

  1. your name and address (who are you?)
  2. name, type and quantity of equipment (what do you want to export/send in transit?)
  3. name and address of end user of equipment (who will use the equipment in Ukraine?)

ATTENTION: Your declaration should correspond with data that you contained in your end-user certificate.

STEP 3: while crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border, show your end-user certificate to the appropriate Polish authorities.
