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Exchange of experience and expert cooperation between Poland and Canada


Deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology, Robert Tomanek, held a videoconference with the Canadian ambassador, Leslie Scanlon, the main topic of which was the application of the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada and cooperation within the Baltic Power project.

Minister Robert Tomanek during the meeting

Although the ratification process of CETA is still under way, it has been applied provisionally since September 2017. Poland counts on common work to disseminate information on it, especially among entrepreneurs, and to develop expert cooperation between the two countries.

In the near future, after obtaining the consent of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, the Canadian company Northland Power Inc. will become a trade partner of PKN ORLEN S.A. in the implementation of the offshore wind farm project in the Baltic Sea. Focusing this cooperation on sharing know-how is particularly important. The exchange of experience and the acquisition of high competences will allow the Polish company to develop offshore wind energy activities. This is another step toward increasing the share of low- and zero-emission energy sources in the structure of the Polish energy mix, which is in line with the Polish priorities for the coming years.

We have begun work on Poland's new industrial policy, which includes directions set in the long term. This strategy paper will address key trends and challenges affecting the development of industry in the post-covid economy, such as digitisation, industry 4.0, green transformation toward a low-carbon economy, and the circular economy. We express our hope of deepening bilateral cooperation in these areas, also with a view to the efforts of Canada to develop these economic sectors,

said Minister Robert Tomanek.
