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Extension of existing restrictions to April 18 in the entire country


Due to the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, and in the interests of the life and health of all citizens, in the following week – until April 18 – the existing safety restriction are maintained in the entire Poland. Hotels, cultural institutions and sports facilities as well as furniture, garden and building stores will be closed, malls and shopping centres will operate to a limited extent.

multiple businesses examples

The most important security rules are maintained until April 18

Trade – restrictions

  • large-area furniture and construction stores with an area of more than 2,000 sq. m. will remain closed,
  • shopping centres and malls remain closed, with some exceptions including groceries, pharmacies and drug stores, as well as press stores and book stores.
  • it is only possible to sell take away food or food with delivery.
  • Sales facilities on marketplaces or post offices are covered with limits for the number of persons:  
  • 1 person per 15 sq. m. – in stores up to 100 sq. m.,
  • 1 person per 20 sq. m. – in stores over 100 sq. m.

Hairdressing salons and beauty salons – remain closed

Nurseries and kindergartens – remain closed. Exceptions are facilities providing care for the children of medical and police staff (including soldiers, police officers and fire services).

Sport – activities of sports facilities are limited to professional sport only. Sporting events can only take place without the presence of the public. Facilities such as gyms, fitness centres, ski slopes, swimming pools, saunas and solariums remain closed.

Education – students of all grades in secondary primary and secondary schools, students in lifelong learning establishments and vocational training centres, are following remote classes.

Hotels – accommodation facilities remain closed (except for, among others, hotels for workers and accommodation services provided to medical staff, road transport drivers and soldiers).

Culture – theatres, cinemas, museums and art galleries remain closed.

Religious worship – places of religious worship are still subject to the limit of persons – 20 sq. m. per person. The obligation to cover your mouth and nose and to keep a distance of 1.5 metres between people remains unchanged.

Additional restrictions

  • Obligation to observe a 10-day quarantine for persons arriving to Poland by organised transport. People who will have an up-to-date Covid-19 test performed 48 hours before returning will be exempt from the quarantine.
  • Restrictions on collective transport:
  1. 50% of the number of seats, or
  2. 30% of all seating and standing places, while at least 50% of seats are left in the vehicle.
  • In places where religious worship is held, the restriction to a maximum of one person per 20 sq. m. while maintaining a 1.5 meter distance and the obligation to cover the mouth and nose, excluding those who are conducting worship services. If the religious event is held outside, it is obligatory to keep a distance of 1.5 metres, as well as to cover mouth and nose.
  • A maximum of 5 persons may attend a public meeting, while the distance between the meetings being no less than 100 meters.
  • No weddings, first communion or wake receptions.
  • Trade fairs and events can only be organised on-line.
  • Suspension of the operation of amusement parks, tennis courts or climbing walls.
  • Fitness centres, gyms and aquaparks remain closed.
  • Suspension of discos and nightclubs.
  • Competition and sporting events available only for professional sport and without audience participation.