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Jarosław Gowin: Science is the key to economic growth.


Łukasiewicz – PORT Polish Centre for Technology Development will be the operator of the Virtual Research Institute. Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin participated in today’s execution of the contract with the Centre. PLN 450 billion was allocated for the studies.

Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin in today’s execution of the contract with the Centre

Scientific research, qualified personnel and the implemented innovations are the key to economic growth in the contemporary world. That is why I have started the Łukasiewicz Research Network as the Minister of Science and Higher Education. That was a great success. Each year, a growing number of entrepreneurs wishes to implement high technologies. Of course, our country must support processes of such importance for our common future. That synergy is the deepest reason for the functioning of Łukasiewicz. One of the best institutes of the Łukasiewicz Research Network - PORT, which specialises in biotechnology and material engineering was appointed the operator of the VRI programme. Virtual Research Institute entails - new possibilities for financing and commercialisation of research related to medical biotechnology – oncology. We wish to launch an institution which will not focus on buildings and laboratories - the laboratories we already own are often not used as much as we would wish them to  – it will focus on establishing teams aiming to achieve clearly defined goals as fast as possible.

– states the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology Jarosław Gowin.

Virtual Research Institute is a programme aiming to finance studies with of a high commercial potential in one of the key areas of society, i.e. medical biotechnology – oncology. Under the VRI programme, Polish scientists will be able to carry out research programmes at the highest international level.

Virtual Research Institute is a great example of combining scientific achievements with thinking about social and economic needs. From the very beginning, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has been supporting the Łukasiewicz Research Network and its projects aiming to support Polish science and economy. Today, we wish to make the Łukasiewicz Research Network the manager of the management of the first Polish Virtual Research Institute with a total budget of PLN 450 million. We keep our fingers crossed for the Polish scientists.

– said the Minister of Science and Higher Education Wojciech Murdzek.

The measures implemented by the Virtual Research Institute will focus primarily on financing innovative research with real commercial potential, which will bring measurable benefit to the Polish society and economy. The support of research and development studies in this sector is a long-term investment and undertaking. During the past 10 years, PLN 45 million was granted for research carried out by the Virtual Research Institute. Łukasiewicz - PORT was appointed the project operator.

VRI is managed by Łukasiewicz Research Network - Polish Centre for Technology Development with its registered office in Wrocław, which is a part of the Łukasiewicz Research Network. Łukasiewicz – PORT has the knowledge, experience and resources required to fully implement the goals of the science support mechanisms such as the Virtual Research Institute.

Łukasiewicz Research Network was launched in April of 2019. During 1.5 years of its existence, it managed to create operational excellence understood as improving processes and managing change. We currently have a potential which allows us to execute an agreement for the management of Virtual Research Institute with one of the leading Łukasiewicz Institutes - PORT.  As the part of science which works for business, we perceive the Virtual Research Institute, as well as all of our remaining Research and Development activities, through its potential for commerce. VRI is intended to become a business project, it is intended to impact not only human development but also to contribute to the strength of the national economy – says Piotr Dardziński, the president of the Łukasiewicz Research Network.

VRI is important from the perspective of increasing the competitiveness of Polish science. The fact that the Minister of Science and Higher Education appointed the Łukasiewicz Institute – PORT the managing authority for the Virtual Research Institute is a great distinction. It is also a great challenge given the objectives of the programme

– says Andrzej Dybczyński, PhD – Director of Łukasiewicz – PORT Polish Centre for Technology Development.

One of its main aims is to support Polish science in the area that is particularly important from the perspective of the Polish societal interest, i.e. medical biotechnology – oncology. On the one hand, VIR is a chance to bring contribution into discovering new therapies and medicinal products helping to combat cancer, while on the other - a chance for the development of biotechnology - one of the most dynamic branches of science - here in Poland

– he adds.

The VRI programme is dedicated to the most outstanding and talented Polish scientists who work on the highest, international level – the representatives of Polish higher schools as well as science and research institutes. The research teams will be appointed under open contests. The substantive assessment of the offers based on research as well as socio-economic criteria will be carried out by a team of appointed experts. The first competition will be announced as early as this year.

Łukasiewicz – PORT Polish Centre for Technology Development is a member of Łukasiewicz Research Network, developing new technologies for the industry. The scientific and research activity carried out by the institute focuses on material engineering and biotechnology. The institute supports the development of Polish companies and start-ups, such as XTPL or SensDX, while being a reliable and desired partner for international corporations, such as Roche, Pfizer, Amgen or LG Electronics.

Łukasiewicz Research Network is a third largest research network in Europe. It brings attractive, complete and competitive technological solutions. Łukasiewicz meets the requirements of business in a convenient manner. It conveniently proposes a presentation of a technical solution in just 15 days. A business owner may contact the network not only through the contact form available at the website, but also in one of over 50 locations: Łukasiewicz Institutes and their branches throughout Poland. In all locations, the customers will receive the same – high quality – product or service. The potential of Łukasiewicz focuses on the following research areas: health, intelligent mobility, digital transformation as well as sustainable economy and energy.
