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Minister Nowak to American investors: we have well trained personnel, assistance programs and fast track investment


Strengthening the Polish-American economic cooperation and the importance of American Polonia companies in this process were the main topics of talks during today's visit in New York of Piotr Nowak, Minister of Economic Development and Technology. During the meetings the Minister emphasised the attractiveness of investing and the potential for locating research and development centres in Poland.

Minister of Economic Development and Technology Piotr Nowak during the meeting with entrepreneurs from American Polonia in the the Polish and Slavic Federal Credit Union, on his right-hand side sits Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State Assets Jacek Sasin

Tuesday was the second day of Minister Piotr Nowak's stay in the USA. The Minister paid a visit to Wall Street at the headquarters of the New York Stock Exchange, the world's largest stock exchange.

The economic potential of our country is reflected in the leading role of the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the region of Central and Eastern Europe

- emphasised the Minister of Economic Development and Technology during the meeting at the NYSE.

Minister Nowak encourages American capital to invest in Poland

The role that a developed capital market has to play in economic growth was discussed during the meeting at the New York Stock Exchange.

I am glad to see the growing interest of American companies in investments in innovative industries - in research and development institutions, IT services, business centres and modern technologies, particularly appreciated in Poland,

- said the Minister of Economic Development and Technology. 

During the meeting at the New York Stock Exchange, Minister Nowak emphasised Poland's attractiveness for foreign investment.

What distinguishes our country is, above all, young, well-educated people, a fast path of investor services, assistance programmes well adapted to market needs and CIT exemption,

- Nowak said.

The minister noted that Poland has the fourth highest number of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) graduates in the European Union. This means over 1.2 million highly qualified scientists and engineers.

Our country has a stable economy with an established macroeconomic position. The unique conditions for doing and opening business are supported by a repeatedly proven resilience to economic crises. The situation of the public finance sector is more balanced than the EU average - said the head of the Ministry of Finance.

During the talks with American partners Minister Nowak drew attention to the high position of Poland in the rankings of the largest recipients of greenfield investments (investments made from scratch). According to estimates by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in 2020 foreign investors submitted 465 investment projects of this type in Poland. This is a record number, higher than in 2019. - By comparison, across the EU, the number of announced projects of this type decreased by 15 per cent.

The minister also spoke about the growing importance of the United States in Polish foreign trade. 

We see positive trade dynamics after last year's decline due to the COVID pandemic. In 2021, there has been a revival in trade between Poland and the US, with turnover increasing by 23.5 per cent. - to USD 17.6 billion.

- he said.

Meeting with US Polonia business

The Minister of Economic Development and Technology also met with American Polonia companies. The meeting was attended, among others, by representatives of one of the largest organisations of the American Polish community - the Polish and Slavic Federal Credit Union.

In the development of Polish-American cooperation, I see the great potential of the Polish community and its importance for economic and social relations between Poland and the United States,”

- Minister Nowak noted.

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