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More affordable apartments in Wrocław - an agreement between the National Real Estate Reserve and the city of Wrocław


Panorama of Wroclaw

More affordable flats and the development of communal housing - this is the common goal of the National Real Estate Reserve and the Wrocław local government. The common goal was sealed by an agreement concluded between the President of KZN Bartłomiej Druziński and the Mayor of Wrocław Jacek Sutryk which also marks the official beginning of the cooperation, aiming to implement joint residential investments in the capital of Lower Silesia.

The agreement includes the exchange of information, materials, and documents regarding the real estate in Wrocław managed by the National Real Estate Reserve. The Parties undertake to take reciprocal measures for the implementation of housing investments or technical development of real estate. The next step will involve an analysis of the information and drafting a detailed schedule for further action.

- By the end of April, the National Real Estate Reserve handed over the parcels situated in the area of Cynamonowa street to the city of Wroclaw which will be utilised to build a school and a kindergarten. Today, another important step will be taken aiming to strengthen this cooperation. The lands managed by the National Real Estate Reserve aims to support local governments in implementing a pro-development housing policy. We can already see a great example of the cooperation - says Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Development Jadwiga Emilewicz.

- It is important for the city officials to take care of the needs of their residents. The recently announced housing package was designed with a view to carry out responsible social policy, also at the regional level. I hope that more cities will soon follow in the footsteps of Wrocław and join the cooperation with the National Real Estate Reserve - adds the Deputy Minister of Development Robert Nowicki, responsible for construction and housing.

- Signing the document is another positive element of a great cooperation between the National Real Estate Reserve and the Wrocław Municipality. The agreement establishes a formal framework for our current cooperation, aiming to implement joint residential investments in the future - stressed Bartłomiej Druziński, the President of the National Real Estate Reserve.

- This is a continuation of the fruitful cooperation between the National Real Estate Reserve and the city of Wrocław. We should remember that at the end of April we signed an agreement under which the National Real Estate Reserve has transferred us the parcel used to construct a school at Cynamonowa street. We are incredibly grateful for that. Now we intend to enter into an even closer cooperation, as we have common goals - we wish to support housing constructions in Wrocław. We are open to this cooperation and, above all, we are willing to cooperate - adds the Mayor of Wrocław Jacek Sutryk.

The current stock of the National Real Estate Reserve currently consists of 122 properties with a total area of almost 900 ha. The most advanced projects carried out by KZN include investments planned in Częstochowa (at Wiolinowa street), in Tczew (at the intersection of Bałdowska and Myśliwska streets), in Kalisz (at Melcera street), in Warsaw (at Gilarska street), in Parzniew (at Solidarności and Przyszłości streets) as well as in Grodzisk Mazowiecki (at Żydowska street). The estimated number of apartments that may be constructed in result of the above-mentioned projects is approximately 4,886.
