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Polish-Spanish intergovernmental consultations with Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin


Economic cooperation, national reconstruction plans and strategic autonomy were among other topics raised by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology Jarosław Gowin during a bilateral meeting with Spanish ministers. By the end of the consultation, the participants signed a memorandum on cooperation in the field of industrial policy.

Conference participants sitting on both sides of the table, all wearing masks.

Consultations of Governmental leaders were held by the Prime Ministers of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki and the Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón. Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin participated in the meetings for economy, development and labour. The representatives of Spain, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Digital Transformation Nadia Calvino, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Labour and Social Economy Yolanda Diaz and Reyes Maroto, Minister for industry, Trade and Tourism took part in the meetings

We appreciate that our economic ties continue to grow every year. Spain is Poland’s important trading partner, and it is the fifth largest investor in our country

– said Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin during conversations with respect to economy, development and work.

As part of the discussions on the national recovery plans, Deputy Prime Minister Gowin emphasised that the Polish government focuses on measures aimed at increasing the productivity of the economy, increasing the scale of innovation activities and increasing the technological advancement of enterprises and improving the situation on the Labour market.

The aim of the planned Labour market reform is to improve the effectiveness of support, develop the skills of workers in line with the needs of the economy and businesses, and to more effectively reach the groups that need to be active and requalified

– explained Deputy Prime Minister Gowin, who also pointed to the role of the public-private partnership and stressed the importance of social dialogue.

During the discussions with Spanish partners, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology stressed the importance of strategic autonomy, which is an integral part of the EU industrial policy package

The proper industrial policy, the construction of resilient supply chains and assertive trade policy serve the economic security of the European Union

– Jarosław Gowin assessed.

The discussions also addressed the issues of the European IPCEI instrument (Important Projects of Common European Interest), and a new legal instrument introducing a CO2 levy on imported products into the EU (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, CBAM).

Deputy Prime Minister Gowin also referenced the Polish-Spanish Business Forum organised last week, pointing towards the existence of many investment and business opportunities between our countries.

I hope that this will result in the development of cooperation and growth of new investments both in Poland and Spain

– he added.

A Memorandum of Cooperation on Industrial Policy was signed during the consultation, i.e., a document aimed at promoting institutional cooperation through the exchange of information and knowledge through programs, projects and specific joint actions.

Today's execution of the industrial policy agreement shall give impetus to the development of cooperation in many economic areas, especially in the field of innovation and modern technologies

– said the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology Jarosław Gowin.
