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Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin: Northvolt will allocate 200 million dollars to a new investment in Poland


A state-of-the-art and highly automated production facility and engineering R&D centre for battery modules and energy storage systems will be set up in Gdańsk. It will be built by Northvolt, a European supplier of high-quality cells and battery systems. The company promises to create up to 500 new jobs. The implementation of this investment will be supported within the Polish Investment Zone.

Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin at the meeting

The decision by Northvolt to place a new investment on our Baltic coast confirms that Poland, despite the pandemic, is still a very attractive place to allocate capital. Once again, we’ve met the highest standards and expectations of investors. Well-educated employees are also our advantage. These are the foundations for further cooperation, development of the whole sector and strengthening our country as an important manufacturer of electric car components in the European Union. We are especially excited about this investment because of the scope of the business of manufacturing modern battery systems. Electromobility is today a global trend and Poland has become an important link in the supply chain for electric cars over the last few years. We are a leader in the export of lithium-ion batteries in the European Union, and we have also created a hub for the manufacture of electric batteries. Only in the first half of 2020, Polish battery export amounted to 2.9 billion euro

- emphasised Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology, Jarosław Gowin.

As a government representative for foreign investment, I am all the more pleased that Northvolt has chosen Poland for its investment. We are one of the world's leading manufacturers of the electromobility sector. And electromobility is a step toward a greener and more sustainable world

- added Grzegorz Piechowiak, Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Labour and Technology.

Polish company is an important part of the vertical integration of the Northvolt value chain currently under construction. The energy storage systems to be established in Gdańsk will support global, European and national partners in the transition to a low-carbon economy and society. It is also worth highlighting the innovative and strategic nature of this investment for Poland and its unprecedented nature on what concerns the Pomerania region. I am pleased with the possibility of implementing this project

- explained Robert Chryc Gawrychowski, President of the Management Board of Northvolt Poland.

This new investment by Northvolt is another stage in the development of e-mobility in Poland. Investments made in our country by an entity with such a profile goes along with the growing trend of using safe and environmentally sound power systems in industry. This new investment will strengthen Poland’s position as a leader in the electromobility sector. I believe that it will soon attract more projects from this sector to our country. Poland has undoubtedly several logistical advantages, including the proximity of the supply chain ecosystem or the European end-users. We are very pleased that Northvolt wants to develop its business in Gdańsk. As the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, we coordinated this investment at government level

- said Grzegorz Słomkowski, member of the management board of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency.

Foreign companies have a major impact on the development of our economy, all the more so with the support of the Polish Investment Zone, which requires the company to build stable and well-paid jobs in return for the support granted. Polish Investment Zone is undoubtedly a powerful business magnet that offers tax relief and support at every stage of the project. However, it should be borne in mind that such support can be claimed not only by large global companies, but also by local small and medium-size enterprises. I am convinced that Northvolt, with the support of the Polish Investment Zone, will contribute to the economic development of the Tri-City, which, in addition to modern business facilities, will guarantee the company access to highly qualified staff

- said Przemysław Sztandera, President of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone.

Investment by the Swedish company in Pomerania

Northvolt Poland specialises in the production of such modules and systems. The state-of-the-art facility of Northvolt Systems, to be set in the Pomerania region, will be part of a pan-European value chain project in which the cells produced in northern Sweden will be shipped to Gdańsk for further assembly of complete energy storage systems and then delivered to customers.
In connection with the new project, Northvolt Poland, Polish branch of the Swedish group, decided to increase its production and R&D capacity. Therefore, a highly automated and modern manufacturing plant and an engineering centre for the R&D of battery modules, energy storage systems and production processes and technologies will be established. The cost of the investment is estimated at 200 million dollars (nearly 750 million Polish zlotys).  The products manufactured in this new factory will be a comprehensive solution for energy storage and industrial applications, for example in specialised vehicles and mining machines. The production shall start in 2022. Together with the investment declaration, Northvolt Poland received a positive decision regarding support to the investment, issued by the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, as well as a government subsidy. Up to 500 new jobs will be created as part of this project.

Scandinavian corporation with a Polish branch.

Northvolt was founded in Sweden in 2016 by Peter Carlsson and Paolo Cerruti, former vice-chairmen of Tesla and co-workers of Elon Musk. For several years, it has been operating also in Poland. In 2018, it announced an investment in a battery module assembly facility consisting of battery cells, electronic temperature control and control systems, as well as special enclosures for energy storage systems and industrial mining machines.
Polish Investment and Trade Agency is an advisory body, under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology, which is part of the Group of the Polish Development Fund. This is the first point of contact for exporters and investors. It operates both in Poland and through a network of offices around the world. It strengthens the recognition of Polish brands on the international markets and promotes Polish products, services and technology solutions abroad. The Agency helps entrepreneurs to choose the optimal path of foreign expansion. It also supports the inflow of foreign direct investments to Poland and the realisation of Polish investments in the country. It works with the public sector and regional partners to provide, among others: training, audit and promotion of investment properties, collaboration with the organisations of business missions and communication support for the implementation of joint projects.
