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Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin on opening hotels – responsible and gradual easing


“This is an example of responsible, gradual and prudent easing of restrictions placed on the economy,” said Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology Jarosław Gowin, commenting on the government's decision to open hotels, cinemas, theatres and ski slopes on 12 February. The Deputy Prime Minister announced that all forms of assistance would be continued for entrepreneurs whose sectors and companies are still covered by the restrictions.

Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin in face mask

Together with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Gliński and Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski, Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin outlined the next steps concerning lifting the pandemic restrictions on the economy on Friday. 

Going step-by-step is the only reasonable strategy

- said Prime Minister Morawiecki, justifying the gradual easing of the restrictions.

If we remain disciplined and manage to keep up this two-week rhythm of gradually opening up the economy, I believe there might be further steps ahead

- he said.

We all want the same thing – we want life to get back to normal, but we still have to endure these restrictions and limitations for a couple of weeks, so that our economic and social life can go back to its normal track

- the Prime Minister said. 

The solutions proposed by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki are an example of responsible, gradual, prudent easing of restrictions placed on the economy

- said Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin. 

The Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology pointed out that even before today's decision on further steps concerning lifting some of the current pandemic restrictions, Poland has had some of the laxest restrictions on economic activity, compared to other European countries. 

He also pointed out that the decision to open hotels, theatres, cinemas and slopes was taken as a result of the dialogue between the government and business communities, including under the auspices of President Andrzej Duda during a meeting with the Entrepreneurship Council. 

We have developed very detailed and – hopefully – very scrupulously implemented sanitary regimes, customised for each of the sectors

- he pointed out. 

Jarosław Gowin also addressed entrepreneurs in the sectors, which are still subject to restrictions:

I kindly ask the representatives of these industries for your patience – we are keeping in touch and we are going to maintain a constant dialogue with the business world and employee representatives

- he said. 

We will continue support for sectors and industries which are still subject to restrictions – all the existing forms of aid will continue for as long as those restrictions remain in place

- he further announced.

Jarosław Gowin also pointed out that both the government and the Polish society undertook a huge effort and displayed “practical solidarity” towards Polish entrepreneurs.

“The so-called anti-crisis shields enabled us to funnel more than 182 billion PLN to Polish companies,” he informed. Within three weeks, the PFR 2.0 financial shield provided aid to a total of 31,200 companies. 

The Deputy Prime Minister informed that the scale of the aid will amount to about 10 percent of the Polish GDP – this record-high support allows Poland to rank among the top three European Union Member States, which earmarked the most money for supporting their entrepreneurs. 

Hotels, cinemas, theatres and ski slopes open from 12 February. 

According to the government's decision, the following venues will open conditionally on 12 February, for two weeks: 

  • hotels, accommodations – at 50% capacity; 
  • cinemas, theatres, operas, philharmonics – at 50% capacity; 
  • ski slopes; 
  • outdoor sports fields; 
  • courts; 
  • pools.