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Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin: We are carrying out a number of activities that support our inventors, innovators, scientists and entrepreneurs


“The ability to effectively market innovation is and will be a key determinant of global competitiveness in the years and decades to come. The Plan for Labour and Development and the Originator’s Zone project prepared in our ministry will strengthen Polish creativity and ability to create competitive solutions,” said Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin during an on-line press conference devoted to support for Polish innovators, organised together with the chairman of the Polish Patent Office, Edyta Demby-Siwek.

Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin at the conference

The outbreak of the pandemic was a major challenge for the global economy and people’s daily lives. We already know today that it will also have far-reaching consequences beyond the spread of the disease itself. It has become a driving force for creativity and innovation. This is evidenced by the increase in the number of patent applications in Poland. A brilliant idea, creative thought or new technology designed by one person or increasingly by interdisciplinary teams can move the world, accelerate its development and, above all, strengthen the competitiveness of the economy. I am convinced that this shall apply to the Polish economy as well,

- says Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin, Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology.

He also adds: “We will face many social, environmental and economic challenges, to which we have to be well prepared. The ministry, which I lead - as coordinator of the innovation, technology and industry policies – has successfully implemented a number of actions that support our inventors, innovators, scientists and entrepreneurs. We are trying to meet their expectations and needs. Already today, we cam boast the attractive R&D tax credits, the IP Box credit, a friendly eco-system for innovative activities, the integration of research institutes, as well as a number of projects and programmes dedicated to the development of innovative products.”

In an innovative economy, it is extremely important to ensure an efficient system of protection of intellectual property, including industrial property. This is confirmed by statistics which show that 50% of world trade is directly related to intellectual property and its protection has a significant impact on the prosperity of each country. The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland is the most important element of this system, as it provides legal protection for all objects of industrial property such as inventions, trade marks, utility models, industrial designs, topographies of integrated circuits and geographical indications. This protection ensures certainty in the marketing of patents and enables the economic use of intangible assets while respecting the rights of all market players,

- says President of the Polish Patent Office Edyta Demby-Siwek.

Plan for Labour and Development promotes innovative projects

In the Plan for Labour and Development -– within the framework of the Development Impulse pillar – we have planned a number of activities to support the innovativeness of the Polish economy:

  • The new Industrial Policy of Poland, which will result in the development of the Polish industry and the improvement of its innovativeness.
  • Polish Investment Zone – tax credit for the implementation of new investment across Poland for industrial companies and modern services (regardless of the size of the company).
  • Government grants for investments – support for investment projects aimed at increasing innovation and competitiveness of the Polish economy. It is possible to co-finance both large strategic investments and medium-sized innovative projects. Projects adapting modern technologies and providing for research and development are most valued.
  • Promotion of the economy based on Polish product brands – Polish Economy Brand, Brand – dissemination of the message about the high quality and innovativeness of Polish product brands from areas that are part of the National Smart Specialisations. Strengthening the positive image of Poland and the Polish economy on foreign markets.
  • Pilot programme – AI4Youth – development and testing of solutions to develop artificial intelligence (AI) skills among the youth of secondary schools and promote entrepreneurship based on artificial intelligence in secondary schools.
  • Cosmic Hub – activities for innovative companies that want to develop in the space industry. They can be supported by mentors and experts in space technologies and the acceleration of start-ups.
  • Industry 4.0 – enterprise grants for projects related to the preparation for the implementation of the comprehensive transformation towards Industry 4.0, including Big Data, Internet of things, industrial robots.
  • Support for start-ups (start-up platforms for new ideas) – co-financing for the development of their activities and entering the market with the prepared product.

Originator’s Zone – programme for young and creative people

The aim of the pilot programme Originator’s Zone is to support individual inventors, visionaries, innovators and all those interested in implementing innovative solutions. We want to create for them a friendly space to experiment, experience, test, work on innovative solutions, as well as to verify the commercial, technological and business potential of their ideas. The additional objective of the program is to promote interest in science, technology, as well as to develop new solutions among young people, students and families with children. It aims to stimulate the innovation potential of the Polish society and to encourage the idea and implementation of new innovative solutions in economic practice.

In order to encourage inventors to develop new, innovative products and services, we plan to organise Challenges for originators in the thematic areas identified within the National Smart Specialisations, which respond to the current and important socio-economic problems. Such Challenges may also be related to construction work, such as, for example, robots or flying machines. The creative, original approach of the originators can make a significant contribution to finding a way of solving emerging problems defined by companies or public institutions.

The project will be carried out for the period from the date of conclusion of the contract for the grant signed with the Operator until 30 June 2023 and will have the budget of 5 million Polish zlotys. In accordance with the Terms & Conditions of the Originator’s Zone competition, the operator will be selected through an open call. The recruitment was launched on 4 January 2021 and ended on 5 March 2021. In total, 12 applications have been submitted, all of which are already being verified within the substantive assessment. The evaluation of the applications will be completed by 14 May 2021. The contract with the project operator will be signed in the second half of May.
