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Representatives of the management of the Ministry of Development and Technology at the Economic Forum in Karpacz


On 7-9 September Deputy Ministers Grzegorz Piechowiak, Andrzej Gut-Mostowy and Marek Niedużak participated in the Economic Forum in Karpacz, which this year was held under the motto "Europe in search of leadership". The deputy heads of the Ministry of Development and Technology took part in discussions concerning, among other things, sustainable investment, SMEs, export strategies, housing, public procurement and tourism.

Marek Nieduzak on Economic Forum in Karpacz

Deputy Minister Marek Niedużak, in a discussion entitled "What is necessary for family firms to be leaders of the Polish economy? had the opportunity to discuss the project of the Family Firms Foundation. 

As the Deputy Minister emphasised - for many years, in cooperation with family businesses, regulations which are beneficial to them have been prepared and implemented. These solutions include, among others, succession administration, management of inherited property introduced in the Friendly Law Package or a family foundation.

The deputy head of the Ministry of Development and Technology assured that the Family Foundation will help Polish entrepreneurs in accumulating capital and further development and financial security of the family. Thanks to the foundation, the companies' assets will be protected against fragmentation and loss of control over them.

The second thread of the discussion, in which Deputy Minister Niedużak participated, was the promotion of Polish exports and the expansion of Polish companies to foreign markets. 

According to Deputy Minister Niedużak, export, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, is one of the engines of GDP growth. In the first half of 2021 it grew by nearly 30%. This is the fourth highest export growth in the European Union. It is also the European Union that remains the largest trading partner due to geographical proximity and regulations. The challenge we face is to increase the share of non-EU countries in exports.

The growth engine of Polish exports is still large companies, primarily with foreign capital. We support Polish entrepreneurs in their foreign expansion through activities aimed at eliminating barriers to accessing non-EU markets with unfair imports securing the interest of companies in free trade agreements,

- adds Deputy Minister Niedużak.

The participation of Deputy Minister Andrzej Gut-Mostowy focused on issues related to the new face of tourism in the post-pandemic world and the condition of the hotel industry.

Tourism in Poland is currently based 2/3 on domestic tourism. The Tourism Voucher stimulates demand for domestic holidays and is a real support for families and the tourism industry.

As Deputy Minister Andrzej Gut-Mostowy notes, tourism is quite different today. We can even talk about "tourism of uncertainty". Destinations chosen are closer, safer and more predictable. The development of tourism after the pandemic will be based on sustainable tourism, using environmentally-friendly infrastructure, branded tourism products and digitalisation of services in the tourism sector.

Deputy Minister Andzej Gut-Mostowy also thanked the hotel industry for their responsible behaviour during the difficult moments of the pandemic and for their awareness that human health is of paramount importance.

During the Economic Forum in Karpacz, Deputy Minister Grzegorz Piechowiak met with investors, including Westinghouse Electronic Co. and Fabio Righi, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of San Marino.

The Economic Forum in Karpacz is the largest event devoted to economic and business issues in Central and Eastern Europe. Every year, it gathers panelists from Poland and abroad to discuss the directions of development of the Polish economy:   representatives of the business world, political decision-makers and experts. This year during the Economic Forum the particular context of the debates was the government's reform package Polish Deal, which proposes a new and comprehensive vision of Poland's economic and social development in the post-pandemic reality.
