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Select a voucher - travel later


Business entities from the tourism industry have the opportunity to offer vouchers for tourist events, accommodation and other tourism services cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. “Do not resign. Reschedule! You won’t lose anything” – encourages the Polish Tourism Organisation which has started the #WybierzVoucher (#ChooseVoucher) internet campaign along with the Ministry of Development.

The voucher will be valid for one year from the date on which the tourist event was to take place or on which the customer paid for the event. In the case of organised trips, it is also possible to change the destination. Poland is beautiful and will wait for you!

I encourage everyone to use the vouchers and not to cancel their trips. This way, we will support the Polish tourism industry in this difficult time. This solution is also safe for each tourist, as the vouchers are guaranteed by the insolvency protection system - said Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development.

Simple ask the tour operator, the hotel or the tourist attraction about the possibility of exchanging the purchased service for a voucher. By doing that, we will show our solidarity with the tourism industry. The value of the voucher may not be lower than the costs incurred by the customer so far.

The voucher is extremely simple to implement and it provides an invaluable help to the Polish entrepreneurs and their employees. Let's take care of the tourism industry now, and it will certainly pay back to tourists in the future - added Robert Andrzejczyk, President of the Polish Tourism Organisation.

Vouchers can be issued by entrepreneurs organising events such as:

  • tourist events
  • hotel services
  • guiding services
  • tour pilot services,
  • exhibitions and congresses
  • cultural activities (e.g. cinemas, theatres, museums)
  • entertainment activities such as concerts
  • recreational and sporting activities,
  • thematic exhibitions or outdoor events

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