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The favourable business environment in New Zealand is an opportunity for Polish entrepreneurs


Preliminary data for January 2021 show that our trade turnover with New Zealand has increased by 48% y/y. The Deputy Minister for Development, Labour and Technology Robert Tomanek and the Ambassador of New Zealand in Poland Mary Thurston talked about the further expansion of mutual business co-operation.

The Deputy Minister for Development, Labour and Technology Robert Tomanek by the table

I believe that Poland and New Zealand have a large unused potential of co-operation. In view of the fact that small and medium-sized enterprises form a large majority in both Poland and New Zealand, we should create and support all actions that could result in their co-operation

- stressed Minister Robert Tomanek during the meeting with the ambassador of New Zealand.

The proof of our serious approach to mutual co-operation in the SME sector is the fact that Poland supported New Zealand’s initiative to transform the Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship (WPSMEE) in the OECD into a full committee. For the time being, the co-operation between Polish and New Zealand companies remains below the economic potential of both states. This is mainly due to the distance between our countries and related logistic barriers or high transport costs in the case of trade. However, we think there is a chance to improve this balance.

It would also be worth joining the forces of entrepreneurs from our countries with a similar business profile in order to strengthen their potential on third markets,

- added Minister Tomanek.

New Zealand has ranked first in World Bank’s Doing Business reports since 2017, which confirms that legal regulations in this country are favourable for entrepreneurs due to such factors as the lack of import restrictions or the lack of the obligation to obtain import permissions.

In 2020, trade balance in favour of Poland totalled 49.1 million USD. Polish export to New Zealand is dominated by products of the electro-engineering industry; its value totalled 69.5 million USD (decrease by 38% y/y) in 2020. The share of this commodity group in the total Polish export to this market totalled 50.4%. Other important shares in Polish export are held by agricultural and food products (34.5 million USD; increase by 109% y/y; share of 25%) and products of the chemical industry (17.6 million USD; increase by 9% y/y; share of 12.7%).
