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The inauguration of the Polish Presidency in the Visegrad Group


A common position on the European Recovery Instrument, as well as cooperation in the fields of health care, digitalisation, industrial and social policy, agriculture and transport are the main objectives of the Polish Presidency of the Visegrad Group. On Wednesday, our country inaugurated the economic section of the Polish Presidency in V4 with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development Jadwiga Emilewicz.

Meeting of Deputy Prime Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz with representatives of the Visegrad Group countries

The meeting with the heads of the economic departments of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia was held on-line for sanitary reasons, in addition to the Impact 2020 conference in Warsaw. The key issues of this year's Impact is a change in the balance of economic power in Europe due to the coronavirus pandemic. The priority issues discussed in Warsaw under V4 included the re-industrialisation of Europe, strategic autonomy of the EU and the development of modern technologies.

The Polish presidency of the V4 held from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 is a period of particular challenges, not only for the Central European region, but also for the entire European Union. That is why we wish to focus on the crucial issues related to restoring the economic growth of the European Union - stressed Deputy Prime Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz.

She also noted: - The Polish V4 presidency coincides with an unprecedented global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It served as a difficult test to the functioning of our countries and societies. Europe's response to the pandemic plays an important role for the development of individual EU countries.

Our task is to build the image of the Central European region and V4 as a flexible and constructive partner. Common dialogue is essential during these difficult times. Solidarity and good will are equally important – said the head of the Ministry of Economic Development.

Common V4 message

The V4 economic ministers adopted a common communication on economic cooperation aimed at restoring the growth of Europe. The Ministers pointed towards the key role of the Single Market in ensuring the well-being of the citizens of the European Union – at the same time calling on the European Commission to counter all forms of internal protectionism in the trade of goods and services.

Underlining the need for an ambitious trade policy – including the necessary WTO reform – the need to diversify supply chains and industrial production, the essential components for the EU to achieve strategic autonomy. The participants of the meeting referred to the so-called Warsaw Declaration for cooperation regarding digital issues, announced by the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group on 28 March 2017, announcing increased cooperation in the development of artificial intelligence and innovation centres.

Reindustrialisation of Europe - altering supply chains and using the potential of Central Europe. Restoring competitiveness to European industry in the context of simultaneous global competition and energy transition is one of the main objectives of the EU's strategy to tackle the economic impact of the pandemic. Poland sees opportunities for economic strengthening due to the changes in the structure of supply chains. We also wish to use the potential of Central Europe to take over a portion of advanced manufacturing which has been located outside of the EU until now. The EU's open strategic autonomy - development based on its own resources

The aim is to ensure that the EU is able to act independently and to provide the basic needs of its citizens and the conditions for economic development. That solution must be based on own resources in strategic areas, while maintaining an ambitious trade policy. This is also to be achieved by strengthening internal European cooperation, i.e. utilising the formula of Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI).

Development of modern technologies - electromobility and robotization

As part of counteracting the effects economic crisis, the Union also wishes to emphasize the development of the European mobility sector and the transformation of the automotive industry. The Union intends to increase automation and robotization of the industry involving the use of artificial intelligence.

Polish Presidency coincides with the 30th Anniversary of the Visegrad Group

Poland took the annual presidency of V4 on 1 July 2020. It coincides with the 30th anniversary of starting the Visegrad cooperation (February 1991) and brings about:

  • the strong position of the Visegrad Group state in the EU - coordination of their policies in the EU, joint fight against floods and droughts,
  • recovery from the pandemic – cooperation in health and science,
  • people-to-people contacts – developing relations between the societies of the V4 countries, e.g. in the areas of culture, youth, education, justice, sports; restoring and strengthening cross-border cooperation and contacts,
  • digital V4 – V4 cooperation in the area of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, robotics, e-commerce, cyber-security, innovation and application of new technologies.