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The National Recovery and Resilience Plan amounts to approximately €60 billion for Poland


The expected effects of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan include the impulse for the development of domestic companies, technological modernization of the economy and improvement of the quality of life of Polish citizens. Ideas for the Plan may be submitted by 30 September via the website launched by the Ministry of Economic Development:

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan

– The National Recovery and Resilience Plan is a great opportunity for the further modernisation of Poland. The Ministry of Economic Development has prepared projects for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in the following areas: innovation, digitization, green economy, circular economy, energy, thermal upgrading. We have a chance to implement the projects due to the successful negotiations carried out by the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki - says the Deputy Prime Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz. 

She explains:

- After thirty years of continuous growth, our economy collided with the global shock caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Any such shock should be treated as an opportunity to reflect on Poland's development levers for the decades to come. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan is intended to be a comprehensive programme covering reforms and strategic projects which will aid the Polish economy to succesfully overcome the crises. This means that the measures under the programme are intended to strengthen our social and economic resilience to future challenges and crises. That is why works related to such strategically significant document must include wide exchange of ideas, involved all interested parties.

 She adds:

- We are launching a consultation process on the use of a specific EU-funded instrument for such scale for the first time. For that purpose, we use a tool created by the Ministry of Economic Development: We create a space for citizens to share their ideas regarding the development of Poland. We will assess, select and submit the ideas submitted in such manner as the proposals of the Ministry of Economic Development to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. We hope to be able to implement as many submitted proposals as possible, and that the effects of the projects will benefit us all.  


– We wish to collect ideas that will serve to create the best possible recovery and resilience plan. Optimal projects - related to the strategic areas for building resilience - should combine reforms and investments in the most comprehensive and integrated manner possible. Wide involvement of all interested parties in the process of establishing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan will also facilitate its efficient implementation, which is of particular interest to us - indicates the Deputy Minister of Economic Development Krzysztof Mazur.

The website available at allows any interested citizen to submit their idea in one of the four areas recognised by the Ministry of Economic Development a priority as part of the works related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. They include:

  • Resilient society
  • Resistant country
  • Resilient environment
  • Resilient economy

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan is a plan for restoring the economy after the crisis related to the coronavirus pandemic. However, its scope extends beyond compensating for losses caused by the pandemic. It aims primarily to introduce reforms enabling to establish digital and green economy, resilient to shocks and potential future crises.     

The preparation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan stems from the European Recovery Instrument, a €750 billion programme which complements the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027. This year, the government wishes to develop the assumptions for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which may mean that Poland will be ready to absorb the funds under the European Reconstructions Fund.

The aims of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan include:

  • strengthening the potential for economic growth,
  • creating jobs,
  • increasing the economic and social resilience of the state,
  • offsetting the effects of the economic and social crisis,
  • strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion.

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan will include reforms and public investments in the following areas:

  • public finances,
  • health care reform,
  • the labour market,
  • innovations,
  • qualifications,
  • investment policy,
  • business environment,
  • education,
  • infrastructure,
  • transport
  • new technologies,
  • energy,
  • buildings.

The role of the Ministry of Economic Development and the progress of works related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

For nearly two months, the Ministry of Economic Development has been preparing and completing projects and initiatives for reforms and investments which should be included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The Ministry proposes that the programme should cover projects in the following areas, among others:

  • innovation,
  • digitalisation,
  • green economy,
  • circular economy,
  • energy,
  • thermal upgrading,
  • stimulating the economy,
  • instruments supporting local governments.

As part of the works related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Ministry of Economic Development has prepared 86 projects for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in dialogue with representatives of Treasury companies, companies, experts and voivodeship authorities,

Projects prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development

The projects prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development relate to the following areas: microelectronics, support for the production of medicinal products and establishing a biotechnological hub, construction of a network of cognitive factories, development of the space sector and earth observation, development of prosumer energy and wind farms, construction and energy efficiency of buildings, support for health resort cities and establishing facilities for the construction of offshore farms.
