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The next stage of digitisation in the construction industry


A construction log in electronic form, electronic site book or electronic construction workflow documentation are among the most anticipated enhancements by the construction industry, investors and public administration authorities competent for construction.

Building site and two cranes

Today, the Council of Ministers adopted the Draft Act Amending the Construction Law Act and Certain Other Acts.

The Draft Act drawn up in the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and adopted today by the Government marks another milestone on the road towards digitisation of a construction process. The latest changes make it more comfortable for the investors and more effective for the building control authorities

– said Piotr Uściński, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Technology.

The investment and construction process is highly complicated, which makes its digitisation a huge challenge. The draft Act adopted by the Council of Ministers allows for deployment of four IT solutions. This is a key moment for all stakeholders of this process

– explains Dorota Cabańska, Acting Chief Inspector of Building Control.

The solutions brought to the investment and construction process by the amended Act consist in the package of comprehensive tools that have been long awaited by the industry and the market and also by the citizens

- added Deputy Minister Uściński.

The works on the latest solutoins have been carried out primarily in the Main Office of Building Control. We should however remember and mention the involvement of all stakeholders and future users of these systems, who were included to the project works at the very early stage and proved to be highly supportive

– adds Dorota Cabańska.

What amendments are introduced by the new regulations?

Electronic construction log (EDB system):

The EBD system (electronic construction log) was developed in the Main Office of Building Control on the basis of the highest security standards. The construction log is the core document at the construction site. It should be kept in a specific manner and stored in a secure location. It records the course of the construction works and all circumstances and events which are associated with their performance and that might be of importance during the technical assessment of the correct performance of works, assembly or demolition works. The construction log is also an essential work tool of the construction site manager, investor’s supervision inspector and the designer. The log records all significant events that document the course of construction works. The EDG system enables the online performance of all these activities.

Key advantages of the EDG system:

  • possibility for the investors to apply for issuing the construction log and submit the application along with the use permit in100% online format in the EDB system
  • managing the construction process, adding the process stakeholders and determination of working time at the app level
  • all stakeholders of the construction process will be able to view the entries made to the construction log from any place
  • the EDB app will also operate offline
  • the web version launched at any Internet browser and (completely free) mobile version will be available for downloading from the Apple Store and Google Play

The conventional paper construction logs will be available to the investors by 2030. After this date, there will be a migration towards the electronic version.

Electronic site book (EKOB system):

The electronic site book is the app, in which each owner or administrator will make entries covering the following areas:

  • information on the civil structure,
  • information on the owners and administrators of the civil structure,
  • information on the performed inspections,
  • expert reports and technical opinions on the civil structure,
  • construction works related to the civil structure after its commissioning,
  • building disasters,
  • decisions, resolutions, certificates and other documents issued by the public administration authorities concerning the civil structure.

EKOB will be deployed at the early 2023 and is a project which – similarly to the Electronic Construction Log – will be ultimately 100% digital. Since 2027 it will be available only in electronic form.

Electronic Central Register of Persons Holding the Building Licence (e-CRUB system)

The e-CRUB system is a brand new software that will replace the existing Central register of persons holding the building licence and the register of persons punished for professional misconduct (CRUB). The system is managed on the basis of data from the professional chambers responsible for issuing the building licences - Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers and the National Chamber of Polish Architects. In terms of user interactions, the browser enables quick and transparent verification of the licences and certificates of the engineer or designer employed by the investors. The same applies to any official verifying data of these persons – all without the need to overlook the paper documents. Thanks to the e-CRUB register, the persons working in the construction industry and taking the exam in one of the chambers, will be able to make use of their new licences more quickly. The decision on entry into the register will be automated.

The advantages of the new e-CRUB system:

  • The citizens using the services of the persons with building licences will be able to quickly verify their licenses,
  • The authorities will be able to easily verify data of persons at the independent technical positions in the app,
  • The persons applying for building licences will not await the decision of the MOBC.

The system downloads data directly from the professional chambers in charge of issuing the building licences via API..

e-Budownictwo (e-Construction) website

The e-Budownictwo website will be an extended version of the existing and increasingly popular website, which already provides the investors with access to 26 applications and reports in the investment and construction process.

The purpose of the e-Budownictwo website is to:

  • increase the standard of citizen service in the investment and construction process
  • launch the tool enabling communication with the office in a difficult pandemic situation.
  • provide access to the standardised forms at a single user-friendly website,
  • provide time savings to the investors – handling the cases without the need to leave home
  • reduce paper consumption in the administration (the scale is 22.6 thousand tonnes for a single building permit procedure per annum) 

Features of the future e-Budownictwo website:

  • access gateway to all MOBC systems
  • interactive guideline analysing the need and leading the user “by the hand” towards the specific service or application,
  • extended “Questions and Answers” section
  • contact form / infoline / automatic helpdesk
  • user account
  • ultimately – single logging to all MOBC services via login
  • the list of recommended websites/links associated with the construction industry
  • optional account for the authorities (different website skin and content for the authorities)

More information on digitisation of the investment and construction process is available in the blog at the official website of the Main Office of Building Control
