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Uzbekistan - prospective partner of Poland


This week has seen two events concerning the economic cooperation between Poland and Uzbekistan. On Tuesday, the Polish-Uzbekistan Business Forum took place, and on Wednesday, the 7th meeting of the Polish-Uzbekistan Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation attended by the Deputy Ministers of Economic Development, Labour and Technology: Robert Tomanek and Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, and the Deputy Minister for Investment and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan, Badriddin Abidov. The discussions concerned creating the conditions for the development of cooperation, including by supporting trade and investment projects, solving business problems, as well as creating legal and information environment promoting cooperation.

Deputy Minister Robert Tomanek.

The Business Forum and the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission are taking place during a difficult pandemic period. In Poland, we are taking active measures to combat the pandemic, while supporting the companies affected by the restrictions. The support provided so far reflects more than 205 billion Polish zlotys,

said Deputy Minister Robert Tomanek.

He also added:

We are working on solutions that will allow for reconstruction and economic development, including within the framework of the National Reconstruction Plan and the Industrial Policy of Poland, which will affect economic growth and increase the innovation and modernity of the economy (by deregulation and elimination of barriers, ‘green transformation’, digitalisation, research and development programmes and others). Economic cooperation with foreign partners is an important element of this development policy, and Uzbekistan is one of the economic partners of Poland in Central Asia.

Participation of more than 100 entrepreneurs in the Polish-Uzbekistan Business Forum organised on Tuesday by the partnership national chambers of in cooperation with business support agencies and organisations (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish Investment and Trade Agency, Polish-Asian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology) indicates a high potential for cooperation and the need for information, contacts and activities in this field.

Participants of the Forum discussed economic cooperation and development prospects for companies. Panel discussion presented opportunities for cooperation on new technologies, in the construction industry, the agricultural and agri-food sectors, as well as financial instruments to support cooperation between Uzbek and Polish entrepreneurs.

The Polish-Uzbekistan Business Forum focuses on particularly important areas and sectors which will largely decide on the pace of development of our trade and investment cooperation. New technologies (smart cities, fintech, water sector), agriculture and agri-food industry, construction and building materials, health protection, energy and light industry are sectors likely to become catalysts for economic cooperation between Poland and Uzbekistan,

said Minister Robert Tomanek.

The 7th meeting of the Polish-Uzbekistan Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation concerned creating the conditions for the development of cooperation, including by supporting trade and investment projects, solving business problems, as well as creating legal and information environment promoting cooperation.

We are planning to establish a continuous format of cooperation, which on the Polish side will include the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology and the Polish Investment and Trade Agency as well as other cooperating ministries and organisations. This will enable have the needs and problems of entrepreneurs in the area of cooperation between Poland and Uzbekistan directed to one single address. Under this mechanism, we will forward already in mid-2021 the lists of Polish companies interested in implementing investment and trade projects in Uzbekistan.

We support the processes of strengthening Uzbekistan’s economic links with the global and European economy, including work on a new, strengthened agreement between the EU and Uzbekistan and the procedure for Uzbekistan’s accession to the World Trade Organization. We offer our expert support of these processes,

said Minister Robert Tomanek.

Specific projects will be supported by the Commission, including in forward-looking areas such as:

  • the creation of promotional and distribution centres for Uzbek companies in Poland and Polish companies in Uzbekistan,
  • the raw materials sector, including on what regards the exploitation of deposits in Uzbekistan, the provision of services, the transfer of Polish experiences and solutions, including in the field of mining,
  • environmental protection, including in the field of water management and waste management,
  • the agri-food sector,
  • construction sector and building materials,
  • IT,
  • pharmacy and health care,
  • outsourcing services.

During the Commission meeting, perspectives for bilateral trade and investment cooperation were presented. Co-operation in the field of agriculture was discussed, including the possibility of establishing systematic co-operation between the phytosanitary services of Uzbekistan and Poland, co-operation in the fields of transport, finance and banking, small and medium enterprises and the development of start-ups, accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, geology and extractive industries, as well as tourism.

As a Polish minister responsible for tourism, I would like tourists from Uzbekistan to choose Poland as their destination. We look forward to a gradual revival of tourism when only the global epidemiological situation allows it,

emphasised Secretary of State, Andrzej Gut-Mostowy.

Activities in the fields of science and innovation, education, support for teaching the Polish language, cooperation between medical institutions and development aid have also been planned.

Both sides expressed the hope that the Business Forum and the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission will strengthen trade, investment, expert and scientific relations between Poland and Uzbekistan.
