Video conference of the Minister of Economic Development and Technology with the Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security
The Minister of Economic Development and Technology held the video conference with the Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security Maroš Šefčovič and the representatives of Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Czech, Portugal, Luxembourg, Estonia and Malta. The key challenges in trade and economic security, including Poland’s reservations about the Mercosur agreement were discussed during the meeting.
EU-Mercosur agreement
Poland expresses its dissatisfaction from the negotiation results on the agreement with the Mercosur countries. Our concerns are primarily associated with excessive opening of the European market to agricultural products from the Mercosur countries
– emphasized the head of MERT during the talk and at the same time sustained the Poland’s objection to sign the agreement in its current form.
Minister Krzysztof Paszyk pointed out that in the opinion of the Polish party the agreement poses a threat to the competitiveness of the European agricultural production and food security in a long-time perspective.
In the course of the negotiations, Poland has repeatedly emphasized that the final form of the agreement should be, above all, balanced, i.e. equilibrate the benefits from opening the Mercosur markets to the EU industry and the risk to our agriculture.
In response to the Polish arguments, the Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security Maroš Šefčovič announced the visit of the European Commission representatives to Poland to jointly look at the agreement and the provisions of concern.