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We are digitising the construction process – you will submit your application easily, quickly and on-line


13 forms, including the application for a demolition permit and the notification of works can already be submitted electronically on the e-budownictwo portal. This is the first phase of the digitisation of the construction process prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology. In July 2021, it will be followed by phase II, including the possibility to apply on-line for a building permit, attaching project for land or parcel use, as well as architectural and construction project. The e-budownictwo portal is a solution for those citizens who want to deal with administrative issues without leaving their office or home.

On the photo, Deputy Prime Minister J. Gowin, Deputy Minister Anna Kornecka and acting General Inspector of Building Control Dorota Cabańska at press conference on 1.03.2021.

One of my most important objectives as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology is to accelerate as much as possible, to facilitate and simplify all bureaucratic procedures relating to the daily lives of citizens and the activities of entrepreneurs,

said at today's press conference Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin, Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology.

He stressed that one of the routes leading to this goal was digitisation.

Of course, pandemic and lockdown force us to accelerate and deepen this process. Mental barriers based primarily on routine or natural fear of change are getting broken. Today, digitisation in both the private sector and in the public administration can no longer be seen as an innovation. It just becomes standard. As the minister responsible for economy and technology, I am are very happy with that,

highlighted J. Gowin.

Never before has there been so many implementations of public digital services in Poland in such a short time. From the point of view of my ministry, I will mention only three important on-line projects which have been implemented on a large scale quickly and effectively: further Industry anti-crisis shields; financial shields of the Polish Development Fund; tourist voucher available to millions of Polish families exclusively on-line. However, this is not the end: digitisation of the economy is a key element of the National Reconstruction Plan. In my flagship project: the new Industrial Policy of Poland, digitisation is also one of the most important axes of development. It is digitisation that will improve industrial activity, from product design to changing business strategies and models,

highlighted the deputy prime minister.

I do not have to convince anyone how important the construction sector is for both citizens and the economy. That is why, digitisation in this field is one of our ministerial priorities.  We provide entrepreneurs with digital services related to the construction process. We offer you the
e-budownictwo portal. Obviously, we are counting on comments and feedback to help develop this service, because digitisation is a live process – based on continuous correction and improvement of tools. Shortly speaking, I would like to invite everyone to use and improve e-budownictwo,

highlighted J. Gowin.

 In Poland, for years, all official construction procedures have required paper documentation. We decided to change this by digitising the investment and construction process. It is another step in the program of digitisation the Polish economy, which is a priority for the Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology, as well as for the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, and is intended to enable citizens to deal with the construction law issues on-line,

said Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology, Anna Kornecka.

Due to the need to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease, digitisation of the construction process meets the expectations of citizens. It will enable the citizen, in many cases, to contact the architectural and construction administration authority and the building surveillance authority without the need to leave home,

added A. Kornecka.

E-budownictwo portal

Application, notification and declaration forms are available on the e-budownictwo portal at

The service enables citizens and investors to complete and submit applications related to the construction process to the competent authorities by electronic means. In practice, this means simplifying and shortening the investment and construction process.

It will be up to the citizen to choose whether they want to make a request electronically or prefer to stick to traditional forms.

We introduce the possibility of submitting applications electronically in phases. In the first phase, which runs from February 2021, 13 forms may be submitted, including an application to modify the use of a building or parts thereof or notification the construction supervisory authority of the intended start date of the construction works. Additional forms subject to revision of the construction law will be submitted electronically from July 2021.

Pilot programme

A pilot programme has been carried out together with 17 starost offices.

In surveys conducted, almost 90 percent of respondents indicated that working with digitised applications would facilitate their work and more than 90 percent say that the e-budownictwo portal would be useful in their daily professional duties,

emphasised the acting General Inspector of Building Control, Dorota Cabańska.

Which applications can be submitted from February and which from July?

From February 2021 it is possible to:

  •  submit an application for a demolition permit,
  • report construction works (not requiring the plot or land development project and the architectural and construction project),
  • report the demolition,
  • submit an application for the transfer of the decision on the building permit,
  • submit an application for the transfer of the decision authorising the renewal of the works referred to in Article 51(4) of the construction law,
  • submit an application for the transfer of rights and obligations arising from the notification to which the authority has not objected,
  • report the intended date for the start of the works,
  • submit an application for a decision on the necessity of entering an adjacent building, premises or adjacent property,
  • report a change in the use of a building or parts thereof,
  • submit an application for a decision to exclude the application of certain obligations of the construction manager referred to in Article 45a(1) of the construction law,
  • submit an application for legalisation,
  • submit an application to draw up a local plan or to amend a local plan,
  • report on the right to dispose of the property for construction purposes.

From 1 July 2021, it will be possible to:

  • submit an application for derogation from technical building rules,
  • submit an application for a building permit accompanied by a plan for the development of the land or parcel and the architectural and construction project,
  • submit an application for a separate decision approving the design of the parcel or land or of the architectural and construction project,
  • submit an application for modification of the building permit,
  • submit an application for a building permit for a temporary construction work,
  • submit an application for the opening of a simplified verification procedure,
  • report completion of construction works,
  • submit an application for using permit.

From 5 July 2021, it will be possible to submit an application, attaching project for land or parcel use, as well as architectural and construction project.
