Free flow of data – now, it’s your move!
In November 2018 the the European Parliament and of the Council adopted the Regulation on a framework for the free flow of non-personal data in the European Union.
The Regulation, applicable as of 28 May 2019, aims at removing obstacles to the free movement of non-personal data across Member States and IT systems in Europe.
Companies and organisations operating in Central and Eastern Europe are invited to actively join the debate and take the opportunity to significantly influence the final shape of the European standards, which are to be presented in November 2019 in Helsinki and successfully implemented by 29 May 2020.
To facilitate the engagement the Minister of Digitalisation in cooperation with Directorate general for Communication Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission invites you to join the Conference in Warsaw on 30 September – 1 October 2019.
Get engaged – share your know-how and experience with international experts - win competitive advantage on the global markets.
Now, it’s your move. Sign up for the conference.
Digital Single Market – time for free flow of data: freedom and economic growth in a (cyber)secure Europe
Cloud Stakeholders Meeting
30 September – 1 October 2019
Warsaw, Poland
Who should attend?
The conference is a must for industry associations, CEE based experts in quality management, information security, business continuity, risk management and data processing management, representatives of companies providing cloud services and their current and/or prospective customers, drawn from both private and public sector, self-government institutions and SMEs.
Why we meet?
In cooperation with Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission (DG Connect) we shall look in detail at the implementation of the EU Regulation on a framework for the free flow of non-personal data in the European Union.
The conference in Warsaw is following other DSM Cloud Stakeholder meetings held in Brussels, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Madrid, Berlin and Amsterdam. The next meeting will take place during the Data Economy Conference hosted by the Finnish presidency of the EU in Helsinki on 25.-26. November 2019.
During the event we shall discuss which benefits entrepreneurs and public administrations can draw from the free flow of non-personal data regulation and how it can help Europe grow. Also, we shall look at the obligations stemming from the Regulation on the service providers and how these will improve end users security. Together with the European Commission representatives we shall review the steps already taken to ensure the correct implementation of the Regulation across Europe and what still needs to be done to meet the obligation to develop codes of conduct by 29th November 2019, in order to make data portability between clouds easier, especially for public administrations and SMEs.
Last but not least the conference will provide an excellent networking opportunity for CEE experts to share experience with international working groups: SWIPO (on cloud switching/porting data) and CSP CERT (on cloud security certification) and hence contribute to the final outcome of their activities.
Day 1 - 30 September 2019, 9:00 – 17:00
Courtyard by Marriott Warsaw Airport Hotel, Al. Żywirki i Wigury 1
8:30 – 9:00
Registration and morning coffee
9:00 – 9:15
Official welcome –
Minister of Digital Affairs, Mr Marek Zagórski
9:15 – 9:35
European Union Digital Agenda – state of play – Pearse O'Donohue, Director of the Future Networks Team in Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission
9:35 – 9:45– Q & A session
9:45– 9:55
Address by Karol Okoński, Secretary of State, Ministry of Digital Affairs, the Government Plenipotentiary for Cybersecurity
9:55 – 10:15
Seamless switching from provider and data portability current state of play and future developments – Maurice van der Woude, BPDelivery, SWIPO Working Group leader
10:15 – 10:30
Q & A session
10:30 – 10:50
coffee break and networking
10:50 – 11:50
Success stories – case studies of prime cloud services based co-operation between service provider and end user.
Parties interested in presenting a case are encouraged to send an email to:
11:500 – 12:10
Common IT Infrastructure of the State project – the more effective, citizen friendly State - Joanna Baranowska, deputy director, Departament for State Digital Systems, Ministry of Digital Affairs.
12:10 – 12:55
Expert panel discussion: Cloud computing solutions implementation – challenges faced by public administration and private entities.
Moderator: Joanna Baranowska
Przemysław Koch
plenipotentiary for informatisation, Ministry of Finance
Marcin Eckert
Board Member for Technologies and Operations, PZU S.A.
Jarosław Królewski
CEO, Synerise S.A.
Michał Jaworski
Deputy Chairman, Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Mariusz Kłysiak
Director of IT operations department, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
12:55 - 13:55
13:55 – 14:40
European CSP Security Certification
- Introduction: Helmut Fallmann, Fabasoft, CSP CERT Working Group Chairman
- Cloud Computing Assurance Levels (CCAL): Professor William Ochs
- Cyber Security Act Requirements (CSAR): Tom Vreeburg
- Scheme Governance (SGOV): Thomas Niessen
- Conclusion and recommendations: Bert Tuinsma
14:40 – 14:50
Q&A session
14:50 – 15:10
The Polish perspective –
Robert Kośla, Director, Departament of Cybersecurity, Ministry of Digital Affairs
15:10 – 15:55
Expert panel discussion: Cyber security and certification – the CEE administration and business perspective
Moderator: Robert Kośla
Karol Okoński
Secretary of State, Ministry of Digital Affairs, the Government Plenipotentiary for Cybersecurity
Robert Trętkowski
vice president of the management board, Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa
Szymon Mitoraj
Krzysztof Silicki
Deputy Director for Cybersecurity and Innivations, NASK, ENISA vice chairman
15:55 – 16:15 - Round up by Pierre Chastanet, Head of Unit, Cloud & Software, European Commission
16:15 – 17:00 Networking coffee; opportunity for interested participants to sign up for the workshops of the SWIPO Working Group
Day 2 – 1.10.2019 – from 9:00 – 18:00
SWIPO WG workshop (Members only)
Venue: – Ministry of Digital Affairs, ul. Królewska 27, Warsaw
Issues to be discussed:
- SWIPO Legal entity
- Results from the recommendations feedback
- Timeline of next actions
- Measures to improve support and membership options for cloud service providers and cloud service consumers
- Certification Guidance for the market
The work on this topic has started just recently. Possible topics to be discussed are:- Governance and cloud service providers self-regulatory codes of conduct at Union level
- comparability for different certification schemes (art. 6.1. ( c) ) – framework for mutual acceptance of the certificates, regardless where in Europe they have been awarded.
- transparency (how to ensure that all service providers share information on how they’ve been certified)
- business continuity management best practice
- due diligence procedures – ensuring quality of data entering the system, regardless of where data originates from (where there is no quality, there is no portability)
- a pan-European scheme enabling acceptance of certifications regardless of where they come from.
- Common Legal Aspects
Progress on harmonisations of draft Codes, and their inclusion and interworking with the Common Legal Aspects document
Important note:
SWIPO welcomes input from Polish / CEE experts with a background on certification schemes to ensure proper mapping of certification schemes in different cloud-relevant areas to facilitate customers in comparing different cloud services (e.g. when such a customer wishes to switch provider). The document to be discussed on 30.09/01.10 is to provide a neutral overview of what the different schemes offered in terms of scope and as such will not make any qualified judgement of the schemes.
Experts with knowledge of certification and accreditation schemes as well as those in specific relevant areas including: quality management, information security, business continuity, risk management, data processing and/or environmental management are welcome to join the SWIPO Working Group now, as drafting members to support the process of finalising the document.
To register please complete the form available here:
Also, please note that while the main objective of the CSPCERT working group have been already met when it presented its final recommendations for a European cloud certification scheme, as published on, the Group is still open to accept new members drawn from Polish/CEE market. There is still need to discuss best ways to communicate the recommendations and ensure that the security requirements, conformity assessment methodologies and assurance levels basic, substantial and high in line with the European Cybersecurity Act are actually followed Europe-wide by relevant parties.
For more details please email:
More information on the DSM Cloud Stakeholder Groups can be found here see:
To join the conference please email: the following information
- Name:
- Position:
- Organisation/Company name:
- Telephone:
- email:
Please let us know if you would like to:
1. Get involved in the conference as an expert speaker in a panel discussion or would be interested in presenting a case study.
2. Receive information about special rate for accommodation offered by the hotel.
Note: The event will be photographed and your name may be forwarded to the Conference partners (EC DG Connect).