Offices and Departments
Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for CybersecurityOur office provides support to the Government Plenipotentiary for Cybersecurity and the Cyber Security Committee – we coordinate official duties and correspondence distribution and represent the Plenipotentiary in external contacts. We also handle affairs related to the functioning of the Council for Digital Affairs. Furthermore, we fulfil the information obligations of the minister responsible for computerisation and conduct communication, education and information activities regarding the use of digital technologies, as well as promoting digital policy.
Cyber Security DepartmentThe department deals with the broadly understood topic of security in cyberspace. Its main tasks include developing and implementing cyber security strategy papers and legislation, guidelines regarding relevant measures aimed at protecting information and communication systems, analyses, as well as central training courses, exercise and testing plans.
Digital Regulation DepartmentWe work with the competent organisational units of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister to develop and provide feedback on draft normative acts and other government documents in the field of computerisation and provide legislative services to the minister responsible for computerisation. We conduct analyses and prepare opinions on the application of legal provisions in the field of computerisation. Our duties also include coordinating the process of concluding any international agreements which are the responsibility of the IT department and handling matters related to the ratification, approval, termination and disclosure of such agreements. Moreover, we also deal with the editing of the Official Journal of the Minister of Digital Affairs.
Digital Services Development DepartmentThe department facilitates citizens’ access to information and public administration services. It develops the Website of the Republic of Poland –, which will integrate government websites and provide a single point of access to information and e-services of public administration. The department sets new standards regarding the development of digital services and coordinates their development on the Website.
Telecommunications DepartmentThe department is responsible for issues related to legal regulations concerning the electronic communications services market, including telecommunications, development of telecommunications services and networks, as well as services provided by electronic means. At the same time, it prepares and issues opinions on draft legal acts, strategic plans and programmes, as well as cooperates with EU bodies and international organisations.
Data Management DepartmentThe main task of the department is maintaining order and taking care of database functionality. It ensures the smooth and unimpeded flow of information between public offices and the citizen, while making sure that it remains compliant with security procedures by initiating improvements in legal processes in the field of data.
Systems Management DepartmentOur duties include maintaining and developing registers, records and systems, as well as providing access to register data. Among these systems and registers are the PESEL register, the Register of Personal ID Cards, the Register of Marital Status, the Central Register of Issued and Invalidated Passport Documents, the Central Register of Drivers, the Central Register of Vehicles, the Central Register of Parking Card Holders, as well as the Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (e-PUAP).
Information Society DepartmentThe department works towards opening up public data, in particular for re-use in innovative products, goods and services. It develops the legal basis for the use of public sector information, implements projects ensuring its digital accessibility and usability, as well as runs the website. In cooperation with other offices, experts and NGOs, the department builds a digital skills development ecosystem for citizens in order to take care of broadening their knowledge and skills concerning the use of technology in solving everyday problems.
Department of Innovative SolutionsThe Department of Innovative Solutions deals with projects and activities related to the development of new technologies (distributed ledgers, including blockchain, artificial intelligence, internet of things and big data), as well as implementing the communication policy in this area. Additionally, the Department implements the Integrated Analytical Platform project as well.
Department of State Information ArchitectureWe shape Poland’s information architecture and work to ensure the interoperability of its ICT systems; we also manage the project portfolio of the Minister of Digital Affairs and shape the e-Administration establishment and development policy.