Virtual Ethics and Law Chair has launched
Research and analysis of legal and ethical challenges posed by AI and other related technologies – these will be the main tasks of the Virtual Ethics and Law Chair. On Wednesday, its activities were inaugurated by Minister of Digital Affairs, Marek Zagórski.
The principal goal of VELC will be advising the government on new initiatives which can promote development and take advantage of Artificial Intelligence. The Chair will also monitor the policy-making process and put forward ethical guidelines and ideas for legal changes suitable for the present day.
An answer to challenges
Apart from the minister of digitization, the first inaugural meeting of the Chair was also attended by representatives of universities and institutions working on AI-related topics.
"AI can be the driving force of change, improve our quality of life, public services and create many high-paid jobs", Mr Zagórski said during the meeting. "A condition for the dynamic development of AI in Poland is that we create a strong Polish AI ecosystem together with a centre coordinating its governance" he added.
Mr Zagórski also mentioned that it requires that proper legal framework for Polish companies and AI experts be created. These initiatives are expected to boost Polish economy and make it competitive on the global market. The creation of VELC is supposed to aid this process.
Effective response
"We want to respond swiftly and effectively to the ever-changing conditions in the field of new technologies", said Mr Zagórski. "VELC will be a forum for regular exchange of views and ideas for building an efficient, effective and responsible state based on modern, safe and transparent ethical and legal regulations in the field of AI", the Minister added.
During the Wednesday meeting, an Agreement on the creation of VELC was signed. Its signatories include Minister of Digital Affairs, Marek Zagórski, the representative of Research and Academic Computer Network and the Polish Academy of Science and several universities: the Cracow Academy of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski, the University of Białystok, the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, the Łódź University, the Opole University, the Silesian University in Katowice, the Warsaw University, and the Warsaw University of Technology.
Awaiting the results
The outcomes of the research and analyses conducted by VLEC will be publicly available. They will be presented during lectures, meetings with experts and consultations of legal acts. Their main goal will be to shape conditions for fair competition and economic development while ensuring the protection of human dignity and security.