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Diplomatic Academy

The MFA Diplomatic Academy develops and implements the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ training strategy.

The Diplomatic Academy, as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), develops and implements the Ministry's training strategy.

The Academy supports the professional development of MFA employees, both in Poland and abroad, by offering various forms of training designed to enhance their professional qualifications. It coordinates the participation of Ministry staff in training programmes, including preparatory, adaptation, and induction courses for new employees, as well as training for all staff applying for positions in diplomatic missions. Additionally, it provides other training sessions upon request from different organisational units or individual employees.

The Academy, in cooperation with the Consular Department,  organises and oversees recruitment for diplomatic and consular training, implements the relevant curriculum and prepares the diplomatic and consular examinations.

Furthermore, the Diplomatic Academy is responsible for the MFA's collaboration with educational and training institutions both domestically and internationally, including training institutions of foreign ministries from other countries and international organisations. It manages recruitment processes for Polish candidates seeking foreign scholarships and internships, including the Polish government’s scholarships for studies at the College of Europe in Bruges and Natolin, and facilitates civil servant exchange programmes.

The Academy is also tasked with organising foreign language courses, administering the MFA’s foreign language examinations, and certifying language proficiency.

The Academy runs a programme for applicants (future diplomats), organises the diplomatic and consular exam, and will also offer a seminar programme for individuals interested in joining the foreign service.


Head of the Foreign Service - Rafał Wiśniewski
Deputy Director - Iwona Woicka-Żuławska
Deputy Director - Marcin Tatarzyński


Tel.: +48 22 523 7985