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Results of the open call in PA18 of “Home Affairs” Programme of Norway Grants 2014-2021

“Home Affairs” Programme Operator has made the final decision on granting the financing under the Programme to the projects chosen during open call procedure in programme area 18 “Asylum and migration” of Norway Grants 2014-2021.


Programme Operator received 26 applications in the open call in programme area 18 of “Home Affairs” Programme in Norway Grants 2014-2020.

After formal and substantial assessment made by independent experts, two meetings of the Selection Committee composed of representatives of Norwegian and Polish institutions and reviewing recommended projects by Inter-ministerial Team for the Home Affairs European Funds, the Programme Operator has verified whether the project selection process was conducted in line with the NFM 2014–2021 Regulation and in line with the Programme’s rules and objectives.

On the 18th of March 2021, the Programme Operator made the final decision on granting the financing under the Programme to the projects chosen during open call procedure in programme area 18 “Asylum and migration” of Norway Grants 2014-2021.

Total financing from the Programme for 5 chosen projects amounts to EUR 3 172 000, which is total amount of an allocation for the call.

The official information on the results of the open call under PA18 will be passed to the applicants.


List of the projects
List​_of​_projects.docx 0.02MB