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Director of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy appointed as the new Chief Labour Inspector. Congratulations!


On 14 June, the Marshal of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, appointed attorney Marcin Stanecki as the Chief Labour Inspector. For the past three years, the attorney served as Director of the Labour Law Department at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.

Director of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy appointed as the new Chief Labour Inspector. Congratulations!

We were discussing this for a long time with the Minister of Labour, in very good cooperation and I must stress that the implementation of all these proposals that bind us as a coalition and as people who are bound by values in terms of respect for work is only possible through the appointment of a new Chief Labour Inspector. We jointly agreed on the candidate proposed by the Minister, namely Director Marcin Stanecki, the Marshal of the Sejm presented the process of selecting the new Chief Labour Inspector.

He is a man who is first and foremost a frontline inspector, who knows the realities of working in the State Labour Inspectorate, he worked in Łódź, in Skierniewice, he travelled on inspections, he knows how things work, he is aware of the challenges faced by the State Labour Inspection and the occupational world in general. He also knows it from the other side, as he served as director of the Labour Law Department at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and was a respected and praised co-worker. Thus, we have as the new Chief Labour Inspector a man who knows the problem in practice and has the tools and knows how to solve the problem in legislative and systemic terms. One could say: a practitioner with a reformist streak, as Marshal Szymon Hołownia justified his decision.

This will be a term of office whose ambition will be to change the State Labour Inspection so that it is effective, so that people who work feel protected, and so that this institution not only punishes, but also supports and helps, declared Marshal Szymon Hołownia when handing in the act of appointment.

The appointment of the Chief Labour Inspector is within the competence of the Marshal of the Sejm, but he has decided to cooperate with the head of the Ministry of Labour in deciding to fill the post. In accordance with the regulations, attorney Stanecki had previously received a favourable opinion from the Labour Protection Council and the parliamentary State Control Committee.

The Minister took the floor

I am extremely happy to be able to participate in such an important day, the day of the appointment as the Chief Labour Inspector of a person for whom I have full conviction and full confidence that he or she takes up this function with a mission, a vision, a plan and the energy necessary to make this vision a reality. Labour law should be respected not only to protect workers, but also to protect honest employers. Protect them from unfair competition and protect employees from abuse, said Minister Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk.

I am confident that Inspector will be able to conduct the necessary transformation of the State Labour Inspection. The transformation that we will hopefully forge together in our cooperation, the transformation that I believe should be guided by two objectives. Firstly, making the PIP an institution to respond quickly and effectively where the safety, life, health or rights of workers and employers are at risk. Secondly, it would be important for me that the inspector involves the employees of the PIP in this transition process. That he would involve them in preparing for a new era - an era of technological revolution. We must be prepared for this revolution. Today, I am full of hope and faith that this will be successful, the head of the ministry of labour outlined her vision.

A wise man once said: I have a dream. And I have my dream too. My dream is for the PIP to become a modern institution that is effective, that will shape best practice in legal labour protection and in occupational health and safety. I would also like the PIP to become an attractive employer, so that people who do the work are proud to be part of this institution. I firmly believe that when my mission is over I will be able to look into your eyes and say: I did it, promised Inspector Marcin Stanecki.
