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Do businesses make it easier for parents to combine work with childcare? The Ministry of Family presents the study results


Almost three quarters of working parents admit that their employer created the right conditions for them to combine work and family life and more than half say that the family-oriented policy is important for their employer. These are the findings of the Kantar study for the Ministry of Family and Social Policy. Strengthening families, pursuing the effective family-oriented policy cannot be complete without the participation of employers – as the Minister of Family and Social Policy, Marlena Maląg, comments on the study results.

Pro familia Employers

The Ministry of Family and Social Policy presented the study results during the Monday debate entitled “Pro familia Employers” with the participation of, inter alia, the State Treasury companies. 

Family-oriented policy of companies – study results

According to the study, 72% of Poles agree that it is important for the company to pursue its own family-oriented policy. This is important for both women and men, although women agree with this opinion slightly more often (74% when compared to 72% of men).

The vast majority of working parents admit that the employer created the right conditions for them to combine work and family life – this is the answer provided by 73% of the surveyed. In turn, 58% of employees estimate that the family-oriented policy is important for their employer.

The situation of women in the labour market

The Minister of Family and Social Policy, Marlena Maląg, stresses that in the context of family-oriented activities and the growing fertility rate, the situation of women in the labour market is extremely important. – And this situation has improved over the last years. The employment rate of women aged 15-64 in the second quarter of this year stood at about 64% in Poland, which means an increase by nearly 13% when compared to 2015 – says Minister Maląg.

Also, the professional activity rate of women aged 15-64 has improved. In the second quarter of this year, it amounted to 66% (an increase by more than 8% when compared to 2015). The unemployment rate has also decreased. In the second quarter of this year, according to the Eurostat data, the BAEL unemployment rate among women aged 15-74 was more than 3.7%. (a decrease by more than 52% when compared to 2015). This is by 4.1% less than the European Union average.

The family-oriented employer is attractive in the labour market

According to the study conducted upon request of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, in choosing a workplace the fact that the employer pursues its own family-oriented policy is important for as many as 75% of the surveyed (and this applies to both those with children below 17 – 75%, and only those who are planning to start a family – 74%). This percentage increases to 93% among people who have three or more children.

This data should send a signal to all companies that it is worth investing in family-oriented solutions, making it easier for families to combine work with raising children – says the head of the Ministry and recalls the studies conducted for the Demographic Strategy 2040 developed by the Ministry of Family. They show that for 41% of the surveyed, “job security and stability” have a major impact on the decision to have a child. These are two – in addition to a flat – of the three most important factors conducive to having children.

It is worth talking about the best family-oriented solutions introduced in companies. About possible ways of cooperation in this area. It is worth sharing good practices. Therefore, this debate today, to which we invited, to the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, the representatives of employers – presidents of leading companies – is so important as it opens up a new chapter of cooperation within the framework of the broad Coalition pro familia, to which I invite all Polish employers – says Minister Marlena Maląg.

 - People are the foundation of every success in business. An employee who feels support from their employer and can freely combine work and family life is the best capital for the company. State Treasury companies achieve impressive financial results, implement development investments through their employees. State entities set new, better standards by implementing a number of solutions to support them in combining work life with being parents – said the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State Assets, Jacek Sasin.

 The Kantar study upon request of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy was conducted using the CATI technique, on 4-12 November, on a representative sample of 1,000 Polish residents aged 18 and more.
