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"First Daycare Provider" ("Pierwszy dzienny opiekun") programme means PLN 60 million for municipalities without a crèche


"We are meeting the expectations of municipalities and helping to create these small, micro daycare centres where children will find qualified care and will be able to develop," Minister Aleksandra Gajewska stated at today's press conference. The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy has launched a new programme aimed at municipalities where there is currently no childcare facility for children under three. Funding from the "First Daycare Provider in the Municipality" programme can be applied for.

"First Daycare Provider" ("Pierwszy dzienny opiekun") programme means PLN 60 million for municipalities without a crèche

In 1,046 municipalities in Poland, parents have no choice. They cannot decide whether their child will or will not go to a crèche because there simply is no such institution. In response to the diverse needs of these local authorities, today we are introducing a new programme offered by the Ministry of the Family specifically for municipalities without childcare facilities for young children. This programme is called "First Daycare Provider in the Municipality". The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy will spend PLN 60 million on this purpose this year – said Minister Aleksandra Gajewska at the conference.

Who is a Daycare Provider? This is a person with appropriate training, e.g. as an educator, who undertakes independent care for young children. Such a person can have between five and eight children under their care. This form is most similar to family-based, home-based childcare. The place of care can be, for example, an apartment, a house, a room in a kindergarten or a school. These places must be adapted to the needs of young children so that it is safe. Particularly in small towns and villages, where the number of young children is relatively low, this form of childcare may be more effective than a crèche, which is more costly to construct. Such a place of care can be created in a short time.

Funding is available under the "First Daycare Provider in the Municipality" programme in two pillars. The first pillar allows for a £300,000 one-off grant to adapt a facility or facilities where childcare will be provided. This could be an apartment, for example, but it must be adapted to the needs of young children so as to create a space for the Daycare Provider.

The second pillar of the programme is the subsidy of up to PLN 8,000 gross for the operation of one daycare provider per month. With these two pillars of the programme, the municipality will be able to first create and then ensure the operation of the new place of childcare.

The total budget for the programme is PLN 60 million in 2024 and the call for applications runs until 31 August. Applications can be submitted electronically via the ePUAP platform to the account of the relevant Voivodship Office.

This programme addresses the needs of local authorities that are not yet prepared to make large investments. They are currently assessing the needs of their residents. This is a programme that will respond quickly to local needs. This is specific aid for local authorities, which local authorities can already apply for – concluded Minister Aleksandra Gajewska at the conference.

A priority for the Ministry of the Family is to enable parents of young children to combine family life with professional activity. This is why the Ministry of the Family is proposing a comprehensive package of solutions for families: the Active Parent, Active Toddler and "First Daycare Provider in the Municipality" programmes. These programmes complement each other and provide a comprehensive response to today's demographic, labour market and care services challenges. These programmes will help hundreds of thousands of Polish mothers and fathers who want to combine professional activity with providing care for their children.
