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Grants for local authorities for social services


Applications for grants for local authorities for the purchase of social services can be already submitted. Under the “Social Bonus” project, any local authority that establishes cooperation with a social economy entity can receive a grant of up to PLN 350 thousand.

Grants for local authorities for social services

Due to a concept developed at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and the support from the European Funds and the state budget, the local governments will receive nearly PLN 90 million in the forthcoming years to partially finance the outsourcing of social services to social economy entities (PES). At least 250 grants to municipalities and districts are planned under the first edition of the project.

The “Social Bonus” project is an innovative initiative that responds to the contemporary challenges of local authorities by harnessing the potential of social economy entities to deliver social services. As emphasised by its creators, the implementation of the “Social Benefit” mechanism is primarily aimed at supporting local government entities in the effective management and delivery of social services, while reducing the costs of these services by 25-70 per cent, notes Daniel Prędkopowicz of the Cooperation Fund Foundation.

Cooperation and trust

According to Katarzyna Nowakowska - Deputy Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy - “The Social Benefit will become a catalyst for positive changes in the relationships between local government and social economy entities”.

This initiative is not only building bridges of cooperation, but also the foundation for something much more valuable, i.e. cross-sectoral trust. It is proving to be the most valuable outcome of the project, leading to a sustained and fruitful collaboration that goes far beyond the original project. In this way, the Social Premium becomes not just an ad hoc support tool, but a long-term investment in stronger, more integrated local communities, emphasises Deputy Minister, Katarzyna Nowakowska.

Who can apply for funding?

All municipalities and districts that decide to outsource a social service to a social economy entity through the award of a public contract or the assignment of a public task will be able to apply for funds. Consequently, local communities will gain access to a wide range of social services, which will translate into an improved quality of life for their residents. The funds will support activities such as respite care, assisted living services in a family support home, support in centres for people in need and specialist counselling. The grant may be used to implement social services that have not previously been commissioned to social economy entities or increase their range.

Under the project, 2 open calls for grant applications are planned, divided into monthly rounds. An applicant may only receive one grant in a given call. The proposal may involve the outsourcing of more than one type of social service. The disbursement of the first grants is scheduled in October 2024.

The value of the project, implemented as a pilot project until 30 June 2026, amounts to almost PLN 90 million. The project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027 programme subsidised by the European Social Fund Plus.

The role of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy

The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy also acts as the Intermediate Body for the project, thus playing a key role in its management and implementation. It ensures effective project implementation by liaising between the Managing Authority and the beneficiaries (JST and PES). It represents the project at the national and international forum.

For more information, visit the project website:

Media contact:

Kamila Łozińska
tel. 798 371 387
