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Minister Maląg: Social dialogue gives strength and power to make effective decisions


Marlena Maląg, Minister of Family and Social Policy, participated in the meeting of the Social Dialogue Council attended by President Andrzej Duda. During the meeting, the participants discussed, among others, the shape of the Act on the Social Dialogue Council and other social dialogue institutions.

Minister Maląg: Dialog społeczny daje siłę i moc w podejmowaniu skutecznych decyzji

The Minister emphasised that the government treats participation in the Social Dialogue Council with special attention.

Today, we are at a point where it is worth summarising what is good and what possible amendments to the act should be introduced – said Minister Marlena Maląg. 

Situation on the labour market

We have historically low unemployment, below 800 thousand registered unemployed people. It is known that the war in Ukraine translates into inflation and an energy crisis, but we are taking steps to ensure that this affects Poles as little as possible – said Minister Maląg.

The unemployment rate in October 2022 was 5.1%, similarly to the month before, and was in line with previous estimates of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy. Compared to the end of October 2021, this figure is lower by 0.8 percentage point.

The Minister emphasised that the government treats participation in the Social Dialogue Council with special attention. “Today, we are at a point where it is worth summarising what is good and what possible amendments to the act should be introduced” – said Minister Marlena Maląg. 

Situation on the labour market

We have historically low unemployment, below 800 thousand registered unemployed people. It is known that the war in Ukraine translates into inflation and an energy crisis, but we are taking steps to ensure that this affects Poles as little as possible – said Minister Maląg.

The unemployment rate in October 2022 was 5.1%, similarly to the month before, and was in line with previous estimates of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy. Compared to the end of October 2021, this figure is lower by 0.8 percentage point.
