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Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy notifies the public prosecutor's office of possible criminal offence by the former Head of the Ministry


On 18 July this year, the Director General of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy filed a notice of possible criminal offence with the Prosecutor General against former Minister Marlena Maląg and the former Director of the Department of Communications and Promotion. The notice is based on the conclusions of the Supreme Audit Office's post-inspection report of 22 April this year. The institution examined expenditure on the ministry's promotional ventures, including the so-called 800 plus picnics. The NIK found that some of the actions taken were unhelpful and profligate.

Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy notifies the public prosecutor's office of possible criminal offence by the former Head of the Ministry

The 800 plus picnics cost over £8 million. This amount came from the general reserve of the state budget, which should be used to finance unforeseen expenditure – caused by random events.

Every zloty coming from public money must be spent transparently and with integrity. This is our commitment, and this is the commitment of the coalition as of 15 October. Unfortunately, the experience of our predecessors, the previous government, leaves much to be desired," said Minister Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk at a conference in Częstochowa.

The Minister of Family also pointed out that the change in the benefit amount did not require such an expensive information campaign.

These are huge amounts of public money spent on promoting and picnicking about a benefit that has been paid for years, about which no one, in our view, needed to be informed. The change of the amount from PLN 500 to PLN 800 was simply a valorisation. Analysis shows that if it had been decided to send letters to inform those concerned of the valorisation fact, the costs would have amounted to approximately PLN 200 000. 200 thousand zlotys and 8 million zlotys is a colossal difference! – Minister Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk emphasised. – We are talking about public funds, we are talking about centres that should serve Polish families, that should serve Polish citizens, and not just those citizens who happen to be carrying out their election campaign.

The notice alleges suspected misconduct by the former director of the Department of Communications and Promotion.  The selection of entities organising the picnics and stands, according to the NIK, did not adhere to principles of transparency, fair competition, and equal treatment. In some instances, an enquiry was sent to three potential contractors, allowing only a few hours to prepare a bid. This caused some entrepreneurs to abandon their proposals. Thus, the public interest was harmed because the ministry could not choose the optimal offer.

The second charge of suspected dereliction of duty by the former director of the department relates to the unintentional purchase of advertising space (billboards) as part of the 'Government Close to Seniors' campaign in selected poviats of three voivodships. NIK identified a link between the purchase of billboards in these specific locations and the election campaign of politicians from the ministry's leadership at that time.

The allegation against Marlena Maląg concerns the suspicion of overstepping her powers by instructing the director of a department subordinate to her regarding the actions described above. This implies a suspicion of acting against the public interest.

The final assessment of the actions of the former director of the department and the former minister will be up to the prosecution and possibly the court. The National Electoral Commission has also been informed of the case.
