20.07.2023A new edition of the Independence-Activity-Mobility programThe strong interest in the Independence-Activity-Mobility program, which subsidizes, among other things, the purchase of cars for people with disabilities, has resulted in the lifting of the maximum limit on the funds allocated to the program. “The supervisory board of the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities has decided to transform it into a program of unlimited duration,” reported Paweł Wdówik, the government representative for persons with disabilities.
18.07.2023A meeting between Minister Marlena Maląg and the Director of the UNICEF Regional OfficeMarlena Maląg, the Minister of Family and Social Policy, met with Regina De Dominicis, the newly appointed Director of the UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia. The topics they discussed included assistance to children evacuated from Ukraine, as well as cooperation between UNICEF and the Ministry of Family.
07.07.2023Continuous call for the Toddler+ (Maluch+) Programme starts, applications until the end of 2025The availability of nurseries is essential for young parents, especially mothers who want to combine family and professional life. 'We have increased funding for the Toddler+ Programme to PLN 5.5 billion to create new care places for the youngest children. We are now launching a continuous call for applications for the programme. Applications can be submitted until the end of 2025,' Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg emphasised.
06.07.2023Unemployment at 5 per cent in JuneThe good news is coming from the labour market. At the end of June this year, the registered unemployment rate stood at 5 per cent. 'This is less than a month ago and less than in June last year when unemployment was 5.2 per cent. The best result of 2.9 per cent was recorded in Wielkopolska,' points out Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg.
03.07.2023‘Time for the Young’ ConferenceMinister Marlena Maląg handed over promises in Leszno to the implementers of projects selected in the call for proposals entitled 'Time for the Young – counselling points for young people.' The Ministry of Family and Social Policy allocated PLN 73.5 million from the Labour Fund for the implementation of this programme.
30.06.2023Eurostat: good situation in the Polish labour marketMay was another good month in the labour market in Poland. Eurostat data shows that Poland remains one of the leaders of the European Union countries with the lowest unemployment for another month. We perform significantly better than the EU average.
30.06.2023Call for applications for Good Start from tomorrowOn 1 July, the call for applications for this year's edition of the Good Start programme starts. It is PLN 300 for a school starter kit for each student. 'Although holidays have just started, it is worth submitting the application as early as possible, thanks to which the money will reach your account faster and allow you to finance the necessary purchases,' Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg said.
23.06.2023Involved dad. What rights do working fathers have?The stereotype of the absent dad who works a lot and is not involved in the family is fading away. Father's Day is an excellent opportunity to look at dads' rights at work after the birth of a child. We encourage you to read on!
06.06.2023Unemployment continues to fall – 5.1 per cent in MayAccording to estimates from the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, the unemployment rate in Poland was 5.1 per cent in May this year. 'Compared to the previous month, the registered unemployment rate fell by 0.1 p.p. It is the lowest unemployment rate recorded in May in more than 30 years,' Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg said.
03.06.2023Children's Day and family fete in Ostrów WielkopolskiAttractions for the youngest and slightly older children, a concert and artistic performances, as well as the stalls of rural housewives' circles full of local delicacies – that is what the Saturday family fete organised in Ostrów Wielkopolski on the occasion of Children's Day was like. Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg attended the event.