26.01.2023mLegitymacja for old age and disability pensionersFrom 1 January, every senior has access to the electronic form of a old age and disability pensioner’s identity card - the so-called mLegitymacja. It is already used by about 130 thousand beneficiaries. At a press briefing, the Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg, Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister Adam Andruszkiewicz and Professor Gertruda Uścińska, President of the Social Insurance Institution, talked about including elderly people in the digital world.
26.01.2023The Sejm about the new Toddler+ programmeBarbara Socha, Government Plenipotentiary for Demographic Policy, presented a new version of the Toddler+ programme in the Sejm. The new programme receives an enormous, unprecedented budget – more than PLN 5.5 billion for the coming years until 2029 – said the Deputy Minister.
24.01.2023The right to an independent life for persons with disabilitiesDuring a press briefing, Minister Marlena Maląg and Secretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Government Plenipotentiary for Disabled People Paweł Wdówik presented the current situation of the government policy for persons with disabilities and their carers. They also discussed plans in this area for this year.
19.01.2023Toddler+ in sixth gear102 thousand places of care for the youngest children will be created in the coming years under the Toddler+ programme. The new edition of the programme was announced on Thursday at a press briefing with the participation of the Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg, Deputy Minister Barbara Socha and Minister of Funds and Regional Policy Grzegorz Puda.
17.01.2023PLN 200 million to support social economy entitiesSocial economy entities will receive nearly PLN 200 million in total under the “Resilience and development of social economy and social entrepreneurship” programme for the years 2022-2025 announced by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy.
13.01.2023More protection against domestic violence. The Act adopted by the SejmThe Sejm completed the work on the act changing the definition of family violence – into domestic violence. This definition has also been extended to include economic and digital violence, but not only. – The changes introduced serve to better protect the family, victims of domestic violence as well as its witnesses – says Anna Schmidt, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policy and Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment. Now, the Act will go to the Senate.
10.01.2023Amendments to the Labour CodeThe government adopted a draft amendment to the Labour Code concerning, inter alia, work-life balance for parents and guardians. The amendments are good for Polish families and for the labour market – said Minister Marlena Maląg during a press conference at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister.
05.01.2023The unemployment rate in December at the level of 5.2%The registered unemployment rate estimated by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy at the end of 2022 amounted to 5.2%. It is by 0.6 pp. lower than the year ago.
02.01.2023From 1 January 2023, the minimum salary goes upAt the beginning of 2023, the minimum salary in Poland increased to PLN 3,490. This is PLN 480 more than the year ago. The minimum hourly salary is PLN 22.80. – I would like to remind that another increase in the minimum salary awaits us on 1 July, then it will amount to PLN 3,600 – indicates the Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg.
29.12.2022Summary of the year 2022. Additional PLN 44 billion of support for seniorsSeniors deserve to live in a peaceful, dignified and active manner. – The senior policy is a priority for our government. Only this year, we allocated PLN 44 billion for all activities addressed to seniors. We paid not only the thirteenth, but also the fourteenth pension and we want old age and disability pensioners to receive it also next year – says the Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg. In turn, the support for persons with disabilities in 2022 amounted to more than PLN 37 billion.