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Night work

Night work covers an 8-hour period between 21.00 and 7.00. It is the responsibility of the employer to set the specific framework of night work in the workplace.

It is not permitted to employ pregnant and minor employees for night work. An employee caring for a child until the age of 8 may not be employed to work at night without their consent.

An employee whose working time schedule covers at least 3 hours of night work every day or for whom at least 1/4 of working time in a reference period falls at night time is a night worker.

The working time of night workers may not exceed 8 hours a day if they perform work that is particularly hazardous or involves heavy physical or mental strain.

The list of these works shall be determined by the employer in consultation with the workplace trade union organisation (if there is no such organisation at the employer – with employee representatives elected in accordance with the procedure adopted at the employer), after consultation with the doctor providing preventive health care for employees.

Night work allowance

Employees working at night are entitled to an allowance for each hour of night work, amounting to 20% of the hourly rate resulting from the minimum remuneration.

This allowance is independent of the overtime allowance. It is available to all staff, including managers.

Translated with the support of the European Labour Authority
