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Number of unemployed at record low in August


773.7 thousand unemployed were registered at labour offices in August this year. – This is according to preliminary data from the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy. A lower August number of unemployed people was recorded 34 years ago.

Number of unemployed at record low in August

Stable situation on the labour market

Estimated by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, the registered unemployment rate at the end of August 2024 was 5 %. The rate remained at the same level as in July this year and in August last year. The lowest unemployment was recorded in the Wielkopolskie Voivodship (2.9 %) and the Śląskie Voivodship (3.6 %).

Vacancies still available

Employers reported 78.1 thousand job vacancies and occupational activation places to labour offices in August. This was 18.8 thousand less than in the previous month. The greatest demand for workers, as in previous months, was recorded in the manufacturing sector (6.9 % of the reported offers). Employers are still looking for workers in the industry, construction and trade sections.

Poland leads the EU labour market

Poland had the second lowest unemployment rate in the EU in July (2.9 %) – such was the result recorded by our country. Only the Czech Republic recorded a better situation, with unemployment 0.2 percentage points lower. The average level of unemployment throughout the European Union was 6 % in July. The worst labour market situation was recorded in Spain, with 11.5 %, the only country where unemployment reached a double-digit level.
