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Parent, do you have any questions about the Active Parent benefit? Check it out!


Does my family situation qualify me as eligible for the Active Parent scheme? Does the funding also cover children's clubs? Answers to these and other questions about the new Active Parent programme can be found on the websites of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). The ZUS helpline is also available by phone at (22) 560 16 00.

Parent, do you have any questions about the Active Parent benefit? Check it out!

Active Parent is a new programme of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy supporting all parents of young children in balancing professional and family responsibilities.

The call for applications for the scheme will be launched on 1 October this year. The benefit will be granted to parents of all children aged between one and three years, regardless of the income. It will also not affect the payment of other benefits such as the parental benefit under the Family 800+ scheme.

This is a huge achievement of which I am extremely proud. We are now working on an intuitive, friendly system that is good for users, said the Minister of Family, Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk at one of the press conferences.

Three new benefits for parents

The Act introduces three new benefits of up to PLN 1,500 per month (up to PLN 1,900 in the case of children with disabilities) to support parents in their professional activity and in raising their child:

  • “Active parents at work” - for active working parents for subsidised care by a nanny, aunt or uncle or a grandmother
  • “Actively in a crèche” - for subsidising a place in a crèche, children's club or a day-care provider
  • “Actively at home” - already from the first child for a parent staying at home

The Active Parent scheme allows the freedom to choose the way of care for a child. It also offers a great flexibility, since it is possible to change the decision on the form of benefit multiple times during the effective term of the programme - i.e. to abandon one form of support and switch to another. However, it is important to note that only one benefit can be paid for the same child for a given month.

It should also be emphasised that the benefit is granted per child. This means that parents will be able to take advantage of different benefits for each of their toddlers and choose them according to their individual needs.

Do you have any questions? Call and find out more

The most important information and the frequently asked questions and answers concerning the Active Parent scheme can be found on the websites of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and the Social Insurance Institution

If parents have any concerns or additional questions, they can also obtain information by calling (22) 560 16 00. The ZUS helpline is available from Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm. Questions can also be sent to the email address:
