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Poland is a titular member of the Administrative Council of the International Labour Organisation!


Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy, together with the Director General of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, Liwiusz Laska, represented Poland at the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference. It is the annual meeting of the most important body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which is a specialised agenda of the United Nations Organisation as well as the world's most important organisation dealing with labour law and social affairs, which adopted more than 190 international conventions.

Poland is a titular member of the Administrative Council of the International Labour Organisation!

Poland is a titular member of the Administrative Council of the International Labour Organisation

During the Conference on 7 June, Poland was elected as a titular member in the government group of the Administrative Council at the International Labour Organisation for a three-year term that will start on 15 June 2024. The Council is the main decision-making body of the ILO, responsible for adopting of the organisation's draft budget, programmes of its activities and determining the agenda of the annual Conference. The Administrative Council is also responsible for electing the Director General.

We have just gained influence on the management direction of this institution of key importance for the occupational environment," Minister Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk emphasises.

The Administrative Council meets in Geneva three times a year (March, June, November).

What is the ILO?

With 187 Member States, the International Labour Organisation is one of the longest operating international organisations, with a unique tripartite structure. It was established in 1919 at the Versailles Peace Conference as an autonomous organisation affiliated to the League of Nations. Sometimes referred to as the “international labour parliament”, it is the venue for key discussions on labour law and the development of policies and programmes to promote decent work for all women and men.

The International Labour Organisation consists of the annual general assembly, the International Labour Conference; a governing body, the Administrative Council; and a permanent secretariat, the International Labour Office. It brings together governments, employers and workers. The organisation also works through its ancillary assemblies such as regional conferences, tripartite meetings and expert meetings.

International cooperation

The Minister of Labour, Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk met with Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director-General of the International Labour Organisation. The topics of the meeting included Poland's partnership in the Global Coalition for Social Justice, a flagship initiative of the ILO Director-General. The talks also focused on the cooperation between the ILO and Poland in the context of the upcoming Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and our membership of the Administrative Council. The situation of Ukrainian refugees on the Polish labour market was also discussed.

During the visit to Geneva, Minister Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk and Director General, Liwiusz Laska also attended a number of other meetings, including meetings on gender parity at the World Economic Forum headquarters and a meeting with Beate Andrees, Deputy Director General, Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia.
