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Recent Eurostat data. We have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the European Union


In July, the unemployment rate in Poland amounted to 2.6%. As provided by Eurostat, it is lower than the value in July 2021 (3.3%). This result confirms that the situation in the labour market in Poland is stable. Only in the Czech Republic, is the level of unemployment lower than in Poland – says the Minister of Family and Social Policy, Marlena Maląg.

Recent Eurostat data. We have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the European Union

In July 2022, the unemployment rate in the euro zone was 6.6%, when compared to 6.7% in June 2022. In turn, the unemployment rate in the EU was 6.0% in July 2022, when compared to 6.1% in June 2022. Poland is at the forefront of countries with the lowest unemployment rate. In July, it was 2.6%. This means that the level of unemployment has remained unchanged, when compared to the previous month, but year on year we recorded a significant decrease – in July 2021, the unemployment rate was 3.3%.

Also, in the labour market of people below 25 we can observe positive changes. A decrease from 8.6% in June to 8.4% in July was recorded, with the average unemployment rate among young people amounting to 14% in the EU.

Our labour market, despite the time of the pandemic and the situation behind our eastern border, is stable. The data indicate that the unemployment rate did not increase, although many people who came to us from Ukraine have started working – adds Minister Marlena Maląg.

Stabilisation in the labour market is also confirmed by the Statistics Poland data. According to the statistical office, at the end of June the registered unemployment rate amounted to 4.9%